Intro: We live in a Troubling World; troubled by International strife (war in Israel and Middle East; Russia & Ukraine); troubled by our own National situation- the political; the economic; the social; the moral;Troubled at times by our own Family situations and our own Personal situations.
There is much in this world to cause our hearts to be troubled. Some time ago I read again a book by David Wilkerson from the early 70's, the Vision. He told of a Dramatic Vision he had concerning America and some other parts of the world. He described the terrors that would begin to take place; not only natural disasters, but terrorism and war; lawlessness right in our own nation; the collapse of our economy; the trampling of morals and the acceptance of perversion like homosexuality; Talk about a Sobering book; Scary; Depressing even. The final chapters were titled: God’s Message for the Unprepared; then God’s Message for the Prepared. Well, I consider myself to be one of the Prepared. How About You? So- I turned expectantly to see what he said was the main message God had for his own people in light of the horrible things that had already been discussed. Bro. Wilkerson said that as he prayed about these terrible things coming on the earth, he asked God, “what message do I give to your people?” God spoke to him and said give them a Message of HOPE- not to be Afraid- to remember that God is Still on the Throne. There it is- Don’t be Afraid- Don’t Let your heart be troubled- God is on the Throne- God Will REMAIN on the throne. So Jesus told his disciples- Let not your hearts be troubled- Don’t be Afraid; Don’t be Fearful; Don’t be Terrified; Don’t be Anxious or Worried. I. Untroubled Hearts Jesus used two factors in teaching his disciples that they could have and should have untroubled hearts: A. Faith- You believe in God; Believe also in Me. BELIEVE- you have had faith; you have expressed faith; you do believe in God; Now let that Faith take you to a new Level- Believe in ME, Jesus said. It’s important that we not only Believe that God Exists but that he Became a MAN and lived on the earth; that he was born of a virgin; raised in a carpenter’s home; anointed by the Holy Ghost to preach the gospel; to deliver the captives; to mend the broken hearted; to set at liberty those who were bound; That he was Arrested, Tortured and Crucified; BUT that he Rose from the Dead; that he Ascended in to Heaven; that he Sits NOW at the right hand of God the Father- [who is On the Throne by the way] Believe that he Prays for us; intercedes for us; is our advocate; our mediator; our go between. BELIEVE- if you really believe in God the Father and Jesus Christ the Son and the precious Holy Ghost you will have an Untroubled Heart. B. Facts Jesus did not only appeal to their faith; to what they did and would believe. He placed FACTS before them that they did not know. He told them that in his Father’s house were many mansions- that if it weren’t so he would have been up front and honest with them and told them so. In this familiar statement that we so quickly read over there are Three Very Important Facts: 1) God Really Does Exist- he Lives; he has a “House” a dwelling place; a home 2) His Home is Heaven- there really is a Heaven; it is an Actual Place; it is a Beautiful Place; it is a Prepared Place 3) In that Place, there are Mansions; homes for God’s People; Jesus was actually going to Prepare a Place for each of his children. WOW= what tremendous Facts to base our Faith on! II. Unfading Hope Jesus then goes on to say that he is going away and that he Will Come Again and Receive us unto Himself that where he is there we may be also. We can have Untroubled Hearts because we have an Unfading HOPE: Jesus is coming back to take his children to their Heavenly Home. Not fiction; not fantasy; not some made up story; TRUE When you KNOW that Jesus is coming to take you to your Heavenly Home- When you have this Unfading HOPE you can have an Untroubled Heart. There is Hope for us In This World. Jesus is preparing a place right now for us; He is already making plans to come and receive us to himself; he already sent the Holy Ghost to be our Comforter and Guide while we are living in this world; there is Hope for us right now in this world. There is hope for us in the World to Come. Where he is there will we be also; we are going to be IN his presence; right there where he is; we will See him as he is; we will walk with him; talk with him; fellowship with him; worship and praise him; honor and magnify him. We have an Unfading Hope! Later in the chapter Jesus said to his disciples: Peace I leave with you; My peace I give unto you; Let Not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. Talk about an unfading hope; we have not only Peace WITH God; we have the PEACE OF God. Isaiah 26:3 Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee. In John 20 in the appearances of Jesus after His resurrection, 3 times Jesus said to the disciples, “Peace Be unto You.” In Phil. 4:7 Paul declares that we can have the “Peace of God” and says it is “Peace that passes understanding.” Albert Barnes- The Christian who commits his way to God, and believes that God will order all things right, has a peace which is nowhere else known. Nothing else will furnish it ...No confidence that a man can have in his own powers; no reliance on his own plans or on the promises or fidelity of his fellow-men, and no calculations which he can make on the course of events, can impart such peace to the soul as this simple confidence in God. I believe that you and I can have Untroubled hearts because we have an Unfading Hope. Don’t Be Fearful; Be Faithful. Don’t Be Scared; Be Strong in the Lord. Don’t Panic; Pray Don’t Cower in Fear; be Courageous in Faith. God is on the throne; Jesus is coming for us; Heaven is our Home.
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January 2025
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