Love is a Matter of Priorities
John 21:15-17 Intro: The disciples had struggled terribly with the arrest, trial and crucifixion of Jesus (we would have too). Even though he had appeared to them on two occasions after his resurrection, they still felt fearful and uncertain; they were still in turmoil and wondered what the future held for them all. One day, 7 of the 11 were together (maybe discussing their situation and maybe airing out their doubts and fears) when Peter in his impulsive way suddenly says, I’m going fishing. Well, it had a been quite a while since Jesus had called these men from their fishing to be his disciples and to become what Jesus called Fishers of men. Clearly, fishing was not a sinful activity, but its also clear that Jesus intended for their fisherman’s life to fade into the past while they moved forward into ministry and the preaching of the Gospel. Now, Peter was reverting back to a past Love. It had risen up in him suddenly and taken control. When he mentioned it the other 6 quickly joined in and agreed to go fishing also. You’ll notice that their efforts were fruitless and they caught absolutely nothing though they fished all night long. When the dawn broke, Jesus was standing on the shore. John records that the disciples saw him but at first did not recognize who he was. Jesus called to them and asked them if they had caught any fish. They answered, No! It’s interesting how a fisherman will talk your leg off when he’s had a great day of fishing; and how short he will be with words when it didn’t go well. Lol Jesus called out to them to cast their nets on the other side of the boat; they did so and they began taking in so many fish they couldn’t even draw the nets all the way into the boat. John immediately said to Peter, That’s the Lord! All of them made their way to shore and found that Jesus already had fish and bread for them to eat. They all ate and then Jesus singled out Peter and asked him this question: Lovest thou me more than these? Now, some have offered the opinion that Jesus was asking Peter if he loved the Lord more than these other disciples loved the Lord. I don’t think that’s the case at all. Later, Paul wrote that we are not to compare ourselves among ourselves and that those who do so are not Wise. So, I don’t believe the Lord was asking Peter if he loved him more than those other disciples did, I believe he was Pressing a Point and asking Peter if he Loved the Lord More than he Loved Fishing; more than the Boat; more than the Nets; more than the Thrill of taking in a huge load of fish; more than the whole experience of fishing. Jesus wanted to know what was the True Love of Peter’s life. Was it the fishing and being a fisherman; or was it being a Disciple and doing the work of the Lord? True Love is a Matter of Priorities. Peter was pressed to state his true love in such terms. I love you, Lord, More than I love fishing. I love you, Lord, more than I love the boats and the nets and the nights out on the sea. The Lord wants to hear from you today. He wants to know what is the true love of your life. I’m not talking right here about a person you may consider the love of your life, I’m talking about whether Jesus Christ is the true love of your life. Do you Love the Lord more than you Love Self? Over and over Jesus told his followers that those who would come after him would have to Deny Themselves. So it is almost 2000 years later, those of us who really love the Lord must love him more than we love ourselves. If your whole life is consumed with Your desires, your likes and dislikes, your convenience and your comfort, your wants and your wishes, You do not really Love the Lord. Being Selfish breaks BOTH of the commandments that Jesus said are the most important ones of all: - Love the Lord the God with ALL thy heart, soul, mind and strength. - Love thy neighbor as thyself Jesus wants to know if you love him more than you love yourself. Will you take your ways over his ways; will you take your will over his will; will you take your wishes over his commands? Paul said that we are to Present our bodies a Living Sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God. That we are not to allow the World to Conform our life to its pattern But that we are to allow the Spirit of God to Transform us by renewing our Hearts and Minds. Do you love the Lord more than Self? Do you Love the Lord more than Material things? Paul wrote that the Love of Money is the root of all evil. He did not say that Money is the root of all evil but that the LOVE OF MONEY is the root of all evil. In another place we are told to Use this world but not abuse it. In other words, we are to use the material things that are a necessary part of this human life but we are NOT to allow them to control our lives. Think of the people who say they are Christians whose lives are consumed with their Work and their Income and their Salary and their Benefits and their Savings and their Investments and their Houses and Vehicles and on and on.... Jesus would say to you, Lovest thou me More than these? Jesus himself said that our heavenly Father knows we have need of food, clothing and shelter; God knows that we need a job, a source of income; God knows that we need finances to live in this physical world; but Love is a matter of Priorities and we must Love the Lord More than these. For the sake of space I’ll not try to name everything that can get our attention and our affection for I think I’ve made the main point: Nothing should be allowed to come between us and our Lord. In conclusion let me point out that there are two main ways of checking our priorities: The Use of Money and The Use of Time If you want to really find out what matters the most to you in your life, check where your money and your time go. Jesus said that where your treasure is, there is your heart also. When we have money for everything else but never for the Lord and his work, we are proving that we don’t love the Lord more than these. When we have time for everything else but not for the Lord and his Word and his church and his work, we are proving that we don’t love the Lord more than these. Love is a matter of priorities. Can you Hear Jesus asking, Do You Love Me More than These?
Spiritual Strategies for the New Year
Heb. 6:11,12 and 2 Peter 1:5,10 Intro: I won’t take a long time talking about the motivation we all (or at least most) feel at the coming of a new year. Whether we write down resolutions or not, most all of us have made some in our mind; at least we’ve considered some things that we need to change in the new year; some things we need to Stop Doing and some things we need to Start Doing. So it is with our Spiritual Life. We need to plan some strategies Right Now for this coming year because we all Know that we have not fully Perfected our Christian life; we have not Lived it out to its fullest potential; we have not reached the pinnacle of Spiritual success. So, what strategies will you employ in this new year? I have three suggestions. I. Revive in 2025. The number one meaning of revive is to restore to life. Is it possible that your spiritual life has actually died in the past year? I hope not but it is possible for our spiritual life to die in the midst of the details of earthly life. There are literally thousands of incidents each year where a person’s Life ceases but they are revived and continue to live. Think about that! They were dead! Their life was over; they were not breathing; their heart had stopped beating; their existence in the world was ending; THEN Someone Intervened! The intervention actually brought them back to life. Sometimes it required that CPR be administered by someone’s hands; sometimes it also required mouth to mouth resuscitation; sometimes it required the intervention of high voltage electricity to shock the heart back into action. One thing is sure- whatever intervention is required; relatively gentle or extremely violent; IT HAS TO BE ADMINISTERED QUICKLY! There is a point where life cannot be restored no matter what you try to do. Let me Urge you today- if your spiritual life is ebbing and dying- REVIVE! Take whatever action is necessary to restore Life to your Christian experience. You May need to actually leave your pew and kneel at the altar; I know for some that’s really drastic action but it could be necessary. You certainly need to make a special place of prayer and Pray all the way through. Pray until you have repented of your disobedience; of your neglect and laziness; of your lack of diligence in your Christian life. The second definition of Revive is: to make active or flourishing again; to bring back into use. Hopefully you haven’t actually died as a Christian but maybe you have become listless and inactive. Maybe you have allowed the details of earthly life to overload you and you are no longer Active in your spiritual life. Are you Active in your prayer? Are you Active in studying the Word of God? Are you Active in Obeying the Word of God? Are you Active in your church attendance? Are you Active in Worship when you are here? Are you Active in Service for the Lord and the church? This year would be the right time to become active and flourishing again; II. Strive in 2025. If you need to be revived; that’s first on your to do list. Then, all of us who are Alive Spiritually; all of us who are Active and Flourishing; Need to maintain our Diligence and Strive in 2025. Not talking about strife between us that causes us to strive with or fight with one another. Talking about what the Bible has to say about being Diligent in our Christian life and walk. Our text in Heb 6 instructed us to “show diligence...unto the end.” We are told to “follow those who through faith and patience inherited the promises.” Our text in 2 Peter commanded us to “give All diligence...” and to “give diligence to make your calling and election sure...” Jesus said in Lu 13:24 Strive to enter in at the strait gate: for many, I say unto you, will seek to enter in, and shall not be able. Paul wrote in Php 1:27 Only let your conversation be as it becometh the gospel of Christ...(and) stand fast in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel; 1Cor 9:25 And every man that striveth for the mastery is temperate in all things. This is No Time to Slack Up or Back Up; this is a Time to Press Forward and Strive to show diligence Unto the End. Listen brothers and sisters to these words of Paul in Rom 13- knowing the is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed. 12 The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light. 13 Let us walk honestly, as in the day; not in rioting and drunkenness, not in chambering (immorality) and wantonness (indecency), not in strife and envying. 14 But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereof. Revive and Strive and... III. Prioritize in 2025. The key to being Revived and the key to Striving Diligently in the Christian life is to Prioritize. We all have differing amounts of money; differing amounts of material resources; differing degrees of wealth and health; BUT we all have the Exact Same amount of Time. The richest and the poorest; the most able and the least able; we all have 7, 24 hour days each week; we all have about 52 weeks in the year; and the Key to being Revived and Striving diligently is how we Use our Time. Twice (in Eph 5:16 and Gal 4:5) we are exhorted to Redeem the Time! Use your time to its Best Advantage. Don’t Waste your time on frivolous matters. Spend it on the important things of life. Sure you must spend some time for Work to earn money and material things. Certainly you need to spend some time for Family; family relationships are an important part of human life. Sure you need some recreation and leisure time; everyone needs to step away from the hustle and bustle of work, earning, toiling, paying bills, fixing cars, maintaining houses, and host of other earthly matters; need some relaxation and recuperating time. BUT WHATEVER You Do- Don’t Forget that Spiritual Matters are to be Your Number One Priority. Jesus was asked what was the Number One Commandment, the most important one of them all; you know what he said?..... Yes- Love the Lord your God with ALL your Heart, soul, mind, and strength. (With your spirit (heart), soul (mind, emotions, will) and body (strength). Love God with your Entire Being! Then Jesus also said this: Seek ye FIRST The Kingdom of God and his righteousness! First! First! Jesus knew we needed material things like money- but he made it clear that earning money is NOT To be our main priority. Jesus knew that we needed to care about our family- but he made it clear that family is NOT to be our Main Priority. Jesus knew that we needed some “down” time to catch our breath- but he made it clear that relaxation and recreation were NOT to be our main priorities. You need to make it one of your spiritual strategies in this new year to Prioritize! Put first things first; put what God says are the first things first. KEEP the first things first throughout the year. When you Love God with All of your heart, soul, mind and strength; you will still be able to work hard and earn money and pay bills and take care of your earthly possessions. When you love God with all of your heart, soul, mind and strength; you will still be able to Love your family and care for them properly. When you love God with all of your heart, soul, mind and strength; you will still be able to enjoy times of leisure and recreation. You don’t LOSE those Other things just because you set your priorities right. Remember the words of Jesus- Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness... (but that was not the end of what he said) the then said “and all these things shall be added unto you.” God will help you take care of your earthly responsibilities when YOU take care of your Spiritual responsibilities. Spiritual Strategies for the New Year: Revive, Strive and Prioritize in 2025! A Christmas Story In the Old Testament
Gen. 22:1-14 Intro: Earlier this year when I read this familiar story, it suddenly occurred to me what a similarity there was in the Incident of Abraham and Isaac and the glorious story of Christmas. I. A Father’s Sacrifice “Take now thine only son Isaac and offer him up...” What a request; actually a demand! What a response: Immediate- he rose up early Deliberate- he made all necessary preparations: took Wood, Fire, Knife, Rope Complete- there was no balking; no hesitating; no half hearted effort. It was serious obedience- immediate action- deliberate action- complete action. Abraham took all the necessities; made the long journey; didn’t stop along the way; didn’t take a detour; didn’t try to find a way around God’s command or a way out of the responsibility placed upon him. It’s hard to imagine a Father being willing to sacrifice his own son; willing to give him up II. A Son’s Submission “They went both of them together...” Isaac went along with his father. You might say, “Yes, but he didn’t know what was planned for him...” That may be true, still Isaac went along with his Father’s plan without complaint. He was Willing to be Burdened The wood was laid upon Isaac! He submitted to carrying the wood on which he was to be offered as a sacrifice. He was Willing to be Bound This is VERY important in the story. Isaac was willing to be bound. Remember, he was not a toddler; not a child; not just a young teen, he was young man. He was fast enough to run away; strong enough to resist; old enough to refuse. Still he did not Fight against his father; did not refuse to be bound; he submitted his Father’s will. III. A Soul’s Salvation “Lay not thy hand upon thy son...” Abraham was stopped at the last moment by the angel of the Lord; then he saw a Ram caught in the thicket behind him and the Ram became the sacrifice. Isaac was saved; his life was spared by a substitute. Now, think with me about the key ingredients of the Christmas story. There was a Father’s Sacrifice. For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son... In the fulness of time God sent forth his son made of a woman made under the law to redeem them that were under the law. God made all the preparations to sacrifice his Son. Mother to Carry Him Manger to Cradle Him Messengers to Confirm Him Ministry to Complete His Mission Nothing was left undone- God worked out a Complete Plan. The Father was willing to sacrifice his own son. There was a Son’s Submission I mentioned in regard to Isaac that he probably didn’t really Know ahead of time what was planned for him up on the mountain but he was willing to submit anyway. In this case, Jesus Christ KNEW exactly what was planned and he was willing to go through with it Anyway! He was willing to be Burdened. He carried the sins of all mankind. He was feeling the weight of this horrible burden in the Garden of Gethsemane and began sweating as it were great drops of blood. He was feeling the pressure of Sin, the spiritual attack of Satan, the dread of death BUT he was willing to be burdened. He not only carried all of our sins, He Carried the Wood; he carried his own Cross. He was willing to be Bound He was bound not with cords of Rope and not with rusty Nails. He was Bound by his Love for Mankind-YOU, ME! He stated plainly to his disciples that NO man could take his life from him; he would Lay it down. He told Pilate that he could call for angels from heaven to come and deliver him, but he refused to so. He was Guilty of no Sin; guilty of no wrong doing; guilty of no Crime. An old song declared that he was “Guilty of LOVE in the first degree.” When Jesus reached his place of sacrifice there was NO Voice from heaven to interrupt the proceedings; no Divine Command stopped his crucifixion; the hands of his executioners were not withheld. FOR Jesus WAS not only the SON, he was also the Substitute- he was there taking My Place- he was there taking YOUR place. It was His Life for Ours; his life for yours. Oh, yes on Mt. Calvary there was a Father’s sacrifice; a Son’s submission; and thank God there was a Soul’s Salvation. My soul; your soul; our souls; the souls of our families, our children, our loved ones, our friends. John declared that Jesus was the Propitiation or Payment for the sins of the whole world. Peter declared that we are redeemed with the Precious Blood of Christ as of a lamb without blemish and without spot. Heb.2:9 But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death...that he by the grace of God should taste death for every man. 14 the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same; that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil; 15 And deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage. How about YOU? Are you saved? Are you redeemed by the blood of Jesus? Have you been delivered from the bondage of sin and fear of death? Do you know that you have passed from the darkness of sin into the glorious light of salvation? The only TRUE way to celebrate the Christmas season is to not only Know about the birth and death of Jesus, but to believe on Him as your Savior and your Lord. God’s Generosity
Titus 3:3-7 I. Our Past. (Vs. 3) We ourselves WERE: A. Foolish- without understanding- one who refuses to believe in God- one who refuses to Fear God- one who refuses to Obey God. The Most foolish life possible is life without God. It is a Life of darkness & disappointment; selfishness & sin; guilt & grief; sorrow with no hope; storms with no peace; life without God’s Grace now and without God’s Glory in eternity. The Bible declares the foolishness of the life without God: - The way of peace they know not (Is 59:8) - They know not the way of the Lord (Jer.5:4) - They know not to do right (Amos 3:10) - They understand not God’s counsel (Micah 4:12) - They are ignorant of God’s righteousness (Rom. 10:3) - Eph 4- their understanding is darkened; alienated from God thru ignorance; suffer blindness of heart. What a pitiful condition for the Lost- Foolish! B. Disobedient- living in rebellion to God and his Word- rejecting his Son- refusing his Way- disobeying his will. “Serving divers lusts” Slaves to many different lusts, desires, pleasures- In bondage to these evil desires. Living in Malice (hostility)- Envy (jealousy)- Hatred (anger, rage) We were Foolish, Disobedient, and ... C. Deceived- Led astray by our own lusts- led astray by Satan’s schemes- The Bible warns us about a way that seems right to a man but is really the way of death- deceived! Oh, the tragedy of thinking all is well when it is not; Thinking I am OK when I am not; Thinking I can enter heaven when I am destined for Hell. What a Terrible and Tragic Past! II. Our Privilege. Here is where we meet the Generosity of God. (Vs. 4,5) - The Kindness of God our Savior Appeared. - The Love of God appeared- “love here is not agape but philanthropia- used only twice in Bible; once in regard to the “kindness” showed to Paul when he and his companions had been shipwrecked; and Here “love”- means generous benevolence- abundant loving kindness) The Generous Kindness and Generous Love of God appeared; Oh! The Generosity of God! Just in these three verses (4-6) Paul writes about His Generous Kindness- His Generous Love- His Generous Mercy (vs. 5)- His Generous Outpouring of the Holy Ghost. By the Generosity of God we are blessed with: - Regeneration- being born again- experiencing a new birth- becoming a new creature- new creation - Renewing of the Holy Ghost- renewed a right spirit in us- renewed our mind- renewed our inward man- Made NEW in Christ Jesus. Paul reminds us that these blessings came, “Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy and by the Holy Ghost (which he shed on us abundantly) According to his Mercy- HE Saved US!” III. Our Position. (Notice vs. 7) A. Justified by his grace we are cleared of all charges that were placed against us- Cleansed of all sin- made holy. The old hymn talks about The Old Account that Has been Settled; “And My record’s Clear today for he washed my sins away” B. Adopted- “made heirs” We were Drawn by his Spirit and Accepted in Jesus Christ; we were Adopted into the Family of God; we were made Sons and Daughters of God and heirs with Jesus Christ. Rom. 8: 14-18 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.15 For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father.16 The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God: 17 And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint–heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together.18 For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. C. Glorified We now have the great Hope of Eternal Life; The promise that we will Live forever in the presence of God. Remember, if our only hope was in this life we would be Miserable! But, Thank God for his Generosity! By his generosity we have inherited abundant life now and eternal life beyond this earth. Thank God for his Generous Kindness; his Generous Love; His Generous Mercy and His Generous Outpouring of the Holy Ghost! The Christian Life According to the 3:16's of Scripture
John 3:16 Intro: In my reading I ran across a reference to how both John 3:16 and 1 Jn 3:16 talked about the great love of God that provided salvation. It piqued my curiosity and I decided to go through the NT and see what other gems of truth were found in the various books at the address of 3:16. My search turned up some great truths concerning the Christian life. I. The Christian Life Flows from the Love of God. Jn 3:16 is probably the most recognized and memorized text in the entire Bible (even more than Jesus Wept, lol). AND for Good Reason. I don’t suppose any one verse proclaims the Gospel Message like this one does. - God Loved the World! - God loved the people of the world So Much, he was willing to give his only Son to be the Sacrifice for Sin and the Savior of all men. - Anyone! Anyone! Who believes in Jesus and receives him as Savior will NOT PERISH! Everyone who believes in Jesus and receives him as Savior will Inherit Eternal Life. Talk about a Powerful Verse! The Christian Life flows from the Love of God. We are told elsewhere that we only Love God because He First loved us. Then also in 1 Tim 3:16 we read about what Paul calls the Mystery of Godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory. God’s Great Love brought Jesus Christ from heaven to the earth as a man. As a man he suffered the sorrows of human life; as a man he was rejected and reviled; as a man he was crucified and buried; BUT As the Son of God he, by his death, paid the price for man’s sin and then rose from the dead, alive forevermore! II. The Christian Life is Founded Upon the Word of God. 2 Tim 3:16 All Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness. The foundation of the Christian life is NOT man’s opinions; not the world’s philosophy; not the religions of men. The only foundation of the Christian life is the Word of God. It is Inspired by God. (It’s subjects are inspired; its thoughts are inspired; its words are inspired; the theological term for this is Verbal, Plenary, Inspiration) Therefore, it has No Errors. (When there seem to be errors, the fault is our interpretation or in our understanding, not in the Bible) The Bible is the foundation for all True Doctrine. The Bible is the basis for all Instruction in Righteousness. The Bible has the authority to Rebuke and Correct any life. Peter wrote that the Scriptures came to us by “holy men of God who were moved by the Holy Ghost.” You and I can rest safely on the Word of God! III. The Christian Life Finds its Fulness by the Spirit of God. Our life in Christ is founded upon the inspired Word of God; upon the Facts presented there; upon the Virgin Birth of Jesus; his Sinless life; his sacrificial death; his glorious resurrection! BUT these Facts alone do not make us a True Christian! The Fulness of the Christian life comes by the Supernatural Power and Work of the Holy Ghost. It is the Spirit of God that convicts us of our sin. It is the Spirit of God that Converts and Regenerates our spirit. It is by the Spirit of God that we are Born Again, become Partakers of the divine nature, and are changed into the Image of God’s Son, Jesus Christ. Matthew 3:16 And Jesus, when he was baptized, went up straightway out of the water: and, lo, the heavens were opened unto him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and lighting upon him: Luke 3:16 John answered, saying unto them all, I indeed baptize you with water; but one mightier than I cometh, the latchet of whose shoes I am not worthy to unloose: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with fire: 1 Cor 3:16 Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? Eph 3:16 That he would grant you, according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthened with might by his Spirit in the inner man; - Jesus Himself though he was the Son of God was anointed and empowered by the Holy Ghost. - John preached that Jesus would baptize his followers with the Holy Ghost and with fire. - Paul wrote twice that when we become Christians, we become the Temple of God and the Holy Ghost dwells IN us. - Then Paul wrote that it is the Holy Ghost that Strengthens Us in our Inner Man. The fulness of the Christian life comes by the Spirit of God. So the Christian life flows from the love of God; is founded on the Word of God; finds its fulness by the Spirit of God and ... IV. The Christian’s Life will Bear Fruit by the Power of God. 2 Thess 3:16 Now the Lord of peace himself give you peace always by all means. Col 3:16 Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord. 1 Pet 3:16 Having a good conscience; that, whereas they speak evil of you, as of evildoers, they may be ashamed that falsely accuse your good conversation in Christ. 1 Jn 3:16 Hereby perceive we the love of God, because he laid down his life for us: and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren. So, just in those 3:16 references we are told that the Christian life will be filled with Peace by the Lord of all Peace; the Word of God will dwell in us bringing us Wisdom and Joy for we will sing Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs with Grace in our hearts; we will have a Good Conscience and Good Conduct; we will love each other like Christ loved us. The final 3:16 is in Revelation and it warns us not to be lukewarm but on Fire. We are told that if our Christian life becomes lukewarm, Jesus will spew us out of his mouth. What a tragic end for someone who at one time was On Fire for God! Don’t become lukewarm. Let God’s Love Flow through you. Let God’s Word by your firm Foundation. Let God’s Spirit bring Fulness to your Life. Let the Power of God bear Fruit in your life. The Christian Life according to the 3:16's of Scripture. |
Bro. Dwain GaliherPastor of JHPC Archives
February 2025
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