Are You a Growing Christian ?
1 Peter 2:1-3 Intro: The Bible likens the born again experience of a Christian, to the birth of a newborn in human life. I love how God takes what we Do Know about in the experiences of human life, and uses it to teach us what we Do Not know about when it comes to spiritual life. So it is, that when we are saved, born again; we are newborn Christians, and like baby boys and girls we need to Grow. Surely I don’t need to linger her and explain to you the growing process of children and how important it is. We are all well aware of growing disorders and how worried a parent becomes if their child is not making “normal progress in their growth and development. Sadly, too many Christians are not Growing properly; not progressing normally on God’s growth and development chart. Too many are Weak; Under Nourished; Failing Instead of Growing and Flourishing. Well, Peter specifically states that we Need to Grow. Later in his epistle, he refers to this again and exhorts us to Grow in Grace and in the knowledge of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Growing Spiritually is important; and we are not left without Biblical guidance in this matter. I. Desire the Word of God Peter said in our text that we should Desire the Word like a Baby Desires Milk. Again, I don’t have to tell any mom or dad about how a baby desires milk! They do not have to be taught to desire it; they do not have to be taught to Let you Know they are wanting some; there is a built in system that when they feel hunger and thirst; they begin to sound the alarm until that need is met. Do you have a Desire for the Word of God? Do you Desire it like a baby desires milk? Do you want it; and want it so much that you will do what you have to do to get it? Will you rearrange your daily schedule to get the milk of the Word? Will you put other things off and say “no” to some demands in order to get the milk of the Word? When you are at church do you desire the Word? Do you really WANT to hear it; Do you Hunger for it? Do you thirst for it? Can you be satisfied without it? Desire the Word! II. Digest the Word. Peter certainly implies that he is not just talking about desiring the Word, but he infers that when you desire it you will also Take it in; just like a baby who desires milk and will take it in enthusiastically! He said in verse 3 that we have TASTED that the Lord is gracious; so clearly he expects us not only to Hunger for the Word of God but to FEED on it. After all, we all know that being hungry is not enough to Grow. Let’s assume that when we dismiss today, you will head home; go into the house and Smell some wonderful aromas of cooking and baking food. WOW! Your mouth will water as the aroma of savory roast beef fills the air; then you’ll really drool when the aroma of home made rolls hits your senses. THEN, you pat your stomach, tell your wife, “Honey that was just what I needed, thanks a lot;” then turn around and walk out of the kitchen and out of the house Nourished & Satisfied! Satisfied??? I don’t think so. You can’t grow just because you get hungry, you grow because your hunger drives you to nourishment. So James said in 1:21- Receive with meekness the engrafted Word which is able to save your soul. The word “Engrafted” means, “sent into a man to become part of his being.” The Word must be RECEIVED; taken in; digested; it must become part of our being. Take it in directly from the Bible itself in your own time of study. Take it in from teachers and preachers who are like spiritual chefs. They proclaim the Word; and Explain; and Expound; and Exhort; You Receive it- it enters into your Ears, your Mind, and Your heart and becomes part of your being. Then you will begin to GROW. Desire the Word; Digest the Word; and III. Do the Word. Again in James 1 we are told to be Doers of the Word and not hearers only. James talks about the man who looks at himself in the mirror and then walks away and forgets the things that needed to be done to his face or hair. He is called a Forgetful Hearer; but “whosoever looks into the perfect Law of Liberty and continues therein, being not a forgetful hearer but a Doer of the work, this man shall be blessed in his deeds.” Heb. 5:14 says that “strong meat belongs to those that are of full age, those who by reason of USE, have their senses Exercised to discern good and evil. When we DO the Word we are USING it; and by Using it we are Exercising our Spiritual Man and causing him to GROW. Mt 7:21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Rom 2:13 For not the hearers of the law are just before God, but the doers of the law shall be justified. Lu 11:28 Jesus said... “blessed are they that hear the word of God, and keep it. Are you a Growing Christian? Are growing in Grace? Are you growing in Knowledge? Are you growing in Experience? Are you growing in Faith? Desire the Word; Digest the Word; Do theWord; That ye may grow thereby!
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Bro. Dwain GaliherPastor of JHPC Archives
February 2025
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