Christian Living in the Key of D
Psalm 37:27 Intro: I know that the Bible sometimes seems very complex and the Christian life sometimes seems very complicated. Often, we feel confused and overwhelmed by it all. It’s good, every once in a while, to take a step back and get the Big Picture- the overview. (You’ve heard the old saying about not being able to see the forest for the trees) Well, let’s take a step back and see the Christian life in three simple points- in the key of D. I. The Departing. Depart from Evil! That’s not too complicated. After all, that’s what Salvation is all about. When we talk about salvation we deal with words like: - Repentance- The work of God which results in a change of mind in relation to God; change of mind about Jesus Christ; about sin; about salvation. - Conversion- The act of turning From Sin and believing in Jesus Christ as Savior. - Redemption- The act of God whereby Jesus Christ paid the price of man’s sin to deliver him from its curse and bondage. - Born Again- Regeneration- The work of God’s Spirit whereby our spirit, our inner man, is made Alive in Christ Jesus and we become partakers of the divine nature. - Justification- The divine act of God who declares Righteous all those who truly believe on Jesus Christ for salvation and repent of their sin. WOW! Converted- Changed- Redeemed- Delivered- Justified- Declared Righteous- Born Again- Made New in Christ Jesus! What a Basis for this matter of Departing From Sin. We are not and cannot be Saved IN our sin; to continue in sin; to live with permission to sin. We are Saved FROM sin. We change our mind about sin and Turn from it. Our new nature doesn’t even desire to commit sin, and as a matter of fact, when we do sin we immediately feel Sorrow, Remorse, Shame and should Run to Jesus Repenting; Finding that he is always interested in giving us power to Depart from Sin. Any concept of Religion that permits regular, consistent sin is not the Christianity of the Bible. 1 John 3:6- Whosoever abideth in Him (Jesus Christ) sinneth not; whosoever sinneth hath not seen him neither known him. 8- He that committeth sin is of the devil... 9- whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin... The Departing- Depart from Evil II. The Doing. Depart from evil & Do Good. While the departing may be viewed as a negative aspect, this positive aspect of salvation is immediately evident. As we Depart from Sin- We begin Doing Good. Now, Don’t get the Cart in front of the horse here! We cannot Do Good in order to be saved. BUT once we have repented, been redeemed, saved, born again; we Must DO Good. Paul said in Phil. 2:10 that we are God’s workmanship created in Christ Jesus unto good works which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them. It’s one thing to Depart from Evil- to shun sinful things- to avoid sinful activities- to refuse sinful influences; It’s another thing to Actively Do Good. Some are content if they can just AVOID sin but they never Actively Seek to Do Good. We are to Seek First the Kingdom of God and his righteousness- we are not to be driven by the Desire for Wealth, Money, Possessions, Material things- Driven by the Desire for Acceptance, Popularity, or Fame- Driven by the Desire to Please ourselves and live only a Selfish Life. 21 times in the NT we are exhorted to Good Works. Paul commended widows who provided lodging and provision for the saints. James said that we are to care for the fatherless and the widows. 1Tim 6:18 says we should “do good, and be rich in good works, ready to distribute, willing to communicate.” Acts 9 tells of Tabitha also known as Dorcas and describes her as, “a woman full of good works and alms deeds...” Titus 2:14 Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works. Our lives are not only to show a Departing- but a Doing. We must be about our Father’s business. We are his ambassadors in this world. We are salt and light. We are to glorify God by the good works that we do. III. The Dwelling. Depart from evil and do good; and dwell forevermore. In thinking about this point on dwelling, I think it has a two fold significance. A. Dwelling in his Presence on the Earth. We are told that we are Branches and Jesus is the Vine. We are to ABIDE in the vine; we are to Dwell in Him- He is our source of Life- he is our source of Light. Only by dwelling in him can our lives be Pure & Productive. We can only bear the Fruit of the Spirit as we Dwell in Him and he dwells in us. We can only bear the Fruit of Souls as we dwell in him and he dwells in us. Inconsistent Christians do not win anyone to the Lord. Compromising Christians do not win anyone to the Lord. Hypocrites certainly do not win anyone to the Lord. We must be Careful to Dwell in his presence through the Word of God. We must to be Careful to dwell in presence through Prayer. We must be Careful to Dwell in his presence through being faithful to Church. We must be Careful to Dwell in his presence through Worshiping him in spirit and truth. B. Dwelling in his Presence in Eternity. There is not only a Requirement in those words- dwell for evermore- but there is a Reward in those words. If you dwell in his presence on the earth, you will dwell in his presence in eternity- For evermore. What a blessed reward for every child of God. What a promise to those who Depart from Sin and Do Good Works in the will of God; they will Dwell with him forever. There are people all over America and the world who want to dwell with him forever more; they want to spend eternity in heaven. However, there are not so many who are willing to Depart from Evil, and not so many who are willing to Do Good. Only those who fulfill the requirements will receive the Reward. Are you living your Christian life in the key of D? Are you departing from sin? Are you doing good? Are you dwelling in his presence?
Bro. Dwain GaliherPastor of JHPC Archives
January 2025
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