Jesus, our Shepherd
John 10:11 & 14 Intro: One of the most loved passages in the Bible is Psalm 23 where we are reminded that the Lord is our Shepherd and that there are great benefits because He is! There are many references in the Bible shepherds and it is certainly one of the most mentioned professions in the Bible. Shepherds were important all through Bible days. Sheep were raised for their wool; for food; and for religious sacrifices. The Bible writers used the analogy of a shepherd in illustrating the person and work of Jesus, our Savior. There are three different designations in the Bible concerning Jesus as our shepherd. I. Jesus is the Good Shepherd. Jesus himself said in the text verses that he was the Good Shepherd. He said of the devil that he comes to steal, kill and destroy, BUT that he, Jesus, comes to give us Abundant Life. As the Good Shepherd, Jesus Laid Down his own life that we could be Saved. Jesus said that as the Good Shepherd, he knew his sheep and would lay down his life for them. He said plainly that No Man could TAKE his life from him; no one could take it by force; but that he would lay it down of himself; he would give his life willingly for our Redemption. Thank the Lord! As the Good Shepherd Jesus provides our Redemption. He paid the price for our sins; He satisfied the demands of the Holy Father; he defeated the devil and broke his dominion over us. Fanny Crosby said it well in her song Redeemed- Redeemed! How I love to proclaim it; Redeemed by the blood of the Lamb; Redeemed through his infinite mercy, his Child forever I am. Yes, its strange in a way but true- The Good Shepherd became the Lamb! Its intriguing to me that the one known as the Good Shepherd was also the Lamb of God who came to take away the sins of the world. Jesus as the Good Shepherd has Redeemed us from our sin. II. Jesus is the Great Shepherd. In Heb. 13:20 we read that Jesus is that “great shepherd of the sheep.” It is said of him that “the God of peace brought him again from the dead” Jesus as the Good Shepherd speaks of Redemption. Jesus as the Great Shepherd speaks of Resurrection. For, while Jesus laid down his life as the Good Shepherd and died a terrible death of shame and agony, as the Great Shepherd, he arose from the dead on the third day and by doing so he provided the Clinching Proof that he was the very Son of God; he was God in the flesh. Yes, his birth was miraculous and wondrous. Yes, his life and ministry were miraculous and wondrous. Yes, even his death was miraculous and wondrous for there were supernatural signs that attended his crucifixion. And YES, his Resurrection was the most amazing event in all of history. Paul wrote in Rom.1:4 that Jesus was “declared to be the Son of God with the resurrection from the dead.” And we know that the resurrection of Jesus assures the resurrection of every true believer to eternal life. The day is coming when every child of God will be resurrected from the dead and gloriously transformed to be like Jesus. Jesus as the Great Shepherd was Raised from the dead and Promises the Same blessing to every one of his Sheep. III. Jesus is the Chief Shepherd. Peter wrote that “when the Chief Shepherd shall appear, ye shall receive a crown of glory that fades not away.” The Good Shepherd- Redemption The Great Shepherd- Resurrection. The Chief Shepherd- Rapture. Jesus said that he was going away to prepare a place for US and that he would come again and receive us unto himself that where he was there we would be also. What a glorious promise. What a wonderful hope. Jesus is coming for us! The Chief Shepherd will Appear. We are not abandoned. We are not deserted. We are not here on our own. Are you Fearful & Fretting? Are you Anxious & Afraid? Are you Doubting & Discouraged? LOOK UP, my Friend! The Chief Shepherd will appear. When Jesus ascended into heaven as recorded in Acts 1, Angels told the watching disciples that this very same Jesus would come again in like manner as he had gone away into heaven. Don’t lose hope! The Chief Shepherd will appear. As the Good Shepherd, He laid his life down for his sheep. As the Great Shepherd he rose from the dead and promised our victory over death and the grave as well. As the Chief Shepherd he will come in the clouds and take us home to be with him forever. Wherefore, Comfort one another with these Words.
Bro. Dwain GaliherPastor of JHPC Archives
January 2025
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