God is For Us
Rom. 8: 31 Intro: Here we are again in Romans 8; imagine that! Well, this familiar phrase from vs 31 just keeps ringing in my mind and in my heart: If God Be For Us...Who Can be Against Us. Or in common terms- Since God is For Us who can overcome us? I’m Glad that God is For Us; this is a Fact, not something we hope is true; not something we wish was true; it is True that God IS For Us. Did you ever notice the first question in vs 31= What shall we say to all these things? What are the “things” Paul is referring to? He is referring to All The Things he has already discussed in this chapter; and they are an amazing array of Proofs that God is For us. He says- In Light of All these things- God is For Us! Therefore, who can rise up against us and defeat us? I. God Was For Us Before Creation. Paul said in vs. 29 that God did FOREKNOW those who would be Saved. Don’t be Confused by the Foreknowledge of God; don’t confuse it with what is commonly known as predestination. God KNEW who would be saved; but he did not DECIDE in advance who COULD be saved. Still, to think that God Knew You before he even created the world is powerful! Eph 1:4 According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love: Nine times in the NT, writers speak of the fact that God Knew Before the Foundation of the world that mankind would need redemption and that Before the Foundation of the world he Planned for our redemption. God was For Us before the world was ever created! How wonderful is that!?? II. God Was For Us At Calvary I already mentioned that God Knew before creation that we would need redemption and he Planned it Before the foundation of the world. What a great plan! Paul stated in vs 3 that the Law was Weak through the flesh and could not accomplish full redemption for man. So, God sent his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh and condemned sin in the flesh. The Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus has made us Free from the Law of sin and death. God was For Us at Calvary! The Father willingly gave up his own Son to be our Sacrifice for Sin. Jesus Christ the Son, willingly gave up his dwelling place in heaven to become a man and live on this earth; he gave himself to the weaknesses of human flesh; to the rejection of his own people; to the suffering and death of the cross; AND all of it because God was For Us. Without Calvary, we would all be Lost and without hope in this world or in the world to come. Without Calvary we would all be under the dominion of Satan; under the dominion of Sin; under the curse of eternal torment in the lake of fire. Do you realize that God was for you before Creation? Do you realize that God was For you at Calvary? Why would you doubt his love and goodness now? Why would you doubt his ability to take care of you now? III. God is For Us in his Providential Care. Once a person believes in Jesus Christ as the only Savior and Lord, he or she is adopted into the Family of God. We have received the spirit of adoption whereby we cry Abba, Father (15). The Holy Spirit bears witness with our spirit that we ARE the children of God (16). Right Now- we are the children of God. Do you really think the devil has power and authority over a child of God? Do you think the devil has the power to plan our life? To dictate what we will do and where we will go and where we will spend our eternity? Come now, what kind of God would make you his child and then allow the devil to rule your life? We are reminded in vs 4 and 5 and 9 and 11 and 14 and 15 and 16 that God’s Holy Spirit has come to dwell within us; to lead us and guide us in life; to transform our minds and to quicken our mortal bodies. We are also told in vs.17 that we are heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ; and that even though we suffer in this life we will be Glorified Together with Christ. We are told that the “sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which will be revealed in us.” (18) We are told in vs. 26 that the Spirit of God “helpeth our infirmities;” that the Spirit of God actually will Pray through us in those times we face situations that we don’t even know How to pray about them. Finally, we are told in vs. 28 that “all things work together for good to them that love God and are called according to his purpose.” God is For us in Providential Care. He has given us his Spirit to dwell in us and lead us in life. He has promised us Glory that will far outweigh any sufferings we endure in this life. He has promised that Everything that happens to us here in this life, both good and bad, will ultimately work for our good by his power and might. God was for us before Creation; God was for us at Calvary; God is for us in his Providential Care... and IV. God is For Us in His Conquering Love. At vs. 31, Paul looks back over the previous 30 verses and says, “Wow, what shall we say in light of All those things? Here’s what we’ll say- Since God is for us, who can be against us?” God Loved us so much he refused to spare his own Son; God loves us so much that he freely gives us all things. God loves us so much that NOTHING can separate us from his love. Not tribulation; distress; persecution; famine; nakedness; peril; sword; death; life; angels; principalities; powers; things present; things to come; height; depth; or any other creature. God is For us in his conquering love. His love conquers all our foes; his love conquers all our fears; his love conquers Satan and sin; his love conquers even death. God is For Us!
Bro. Dwain GaliherPastor of JHPC Archives
January 2025
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