God’s Cure for Heart Trouble
John 14:1-4 Intro: We hear a lot about “heart trouble” and “heart disease.” It is a tragic fact of human life that the physical heart sometimes becomes diseased and is not able to sustain life. We also suffer at times from “heart trouble” spiritually. Our “heart”, our spirit & soul, our innermost being, that deepest part of our spiritual life sometimes becomes Troubled: burdened, worried, fretful, weak. Cannot be cured by: Finest Doctor or Clinic Expensive Treatments Diet, Exercise God Has a Cure for Heart Trouble! The teachings of Jesus in John 14 come in the same setting as ch. 13- Passover, Lord’s Supper, Communion, Announcement of Betrayal, Identifying of the Betrayer (Judas, actually gets up and goes out), the disciples wrestle with thought of Jesus’ death and its related issues, finally the word that Peter will deny the Lord... Troubled. In John 14 Jesus gives us God’s Cure for Heart Trouble. I. Prepared Place. (1-4) I Go to Prepare a Place for You God has always had a master plan for His People. God foreordained Redemption through His Son, Jesus Christ. God planned the Virgin Birth of Jesus. God planned the Anointed Ministry of Jesus. God planned the Death of His Son; the shedding of His Holy Blood; His burial and resurrection. God Prepared Redemption for Man. God planned for the conquest of Satan and Sin. God also prepared for the Eternal Future of Man. God planned the Glory of Heaven. God planned for Redeemed Man to have a place there. Heaven is called a: Country- signifying its vastness as a homeland for its spiritual citizens. City- signifying the bustling life of its inhabitants. Kingdom- illustrating its authority and rulership over all the kingdoms of man. Father’s House- for it the place where God the Father himself dwells- the Holy Home of Jesus Christ, The Holy Ghost, the Holy Angels, and God’s Holy People. Rev. 7:9 After this I beheld, and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands; 10 And cried with a loud voice, saying, Salvation to our God which sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb. Vs. 15 says that they are before the throne of God & serve in his temple; they hunger & thirst no more; the Lamb of God will feed them and lead them to living fountains of waters and God will wipe away all tears from their eyes. My, What a Place has been prepared for You! God Prepared Eden for Adam and Eve God Prepared the Promised Land for Israel God has Prepared a Place for His Children. Jesus said, I will come again and receive you unto myself that where I am there ye may be also. Yes, he was going away- BUT He Promised to Come Again. 318 times the Coming of the Lord is mentioned in the New Testament. Jesus is coming and he has Prepared a Place for us. II. Provided Path. (5,6) When Jesus told the disciples of this place that he was going to prepare, they were puzzled and perplexed. “You tell us that you are going away, that you are going to prepare a place for us. Wait a minute, Thomas said, How can we know the Way?” That Prepared Place sounds great; Those Mansions sound wonderful; Being in the Father’s House sounds marvelous BUT How are we ever going to get there? The Path is Provided! Jesus said, I AM THE WAY, the TRUTH, the LIFE. -Jesus, by his life, death and resurrection became our WAY to God, to Salvation, to Eternal Life, to Heaven. -Jesus was the WORD of God in the flesh; the living Word. He lived the Truth, He taught the Truth, He IS the Truth. Contrast that with nature of Satan. He is a Liar; the Father of Lying; A Deceiver, A Destroyer. -Jesus is the LIFE. There is no life without Him. Jesus is Abundant Life Right here on the Earth. Jesus is Eternal Life beyond the Earth. Heart Trouble? Remember! Jesus Has Prepared a Place for You and He has Provided a Path for You. III. Personal Power. (15-19, 26) The Place Prepared is beyond imagination; the Path is Provided to reach this wonderful place. BUT- How will we be able to actually make this journey? Even when we believe there is such a place and we know the path to follow, we are still Human. We are Still feeble and frail. Psalm 103:14 For he knoweth our frame; he remembers that we are dust. Ps 78:39 For he remembered that they were but flesh... God knows our Weakness- Our Frailty- Our Inadequacy- Our Limitation; SO- He promised to send the Comforter that we might EACH have Personal Power. This is Not Corporate Power for the Disciples as a Group but Personal Power for them as Individuals. On the Day of Pentecost there were 120 individuals praying for the Promise of the Father. “There appeared unto them cloven (divided) tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon EACH of them” and “they were ALL (each one) filled with the Holy Ghost and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance” The promise in Acts 1:8 was that each believer would be baptized with the Holy Ghost and would receive POWER to be a witness. The Comforter has come in a Universal Way: He has come to the Church Age, the dispensation of Grace; He has come to the Human Race to convict of Sin and lead sinners to Jesus; He has come to the Church, the body of Christ, BUT, The Comforter Has also come in an Individual Way: -He has come for Every Individual Believer- to be our Spiritual Companion, our Guide, our Teacher; He has come to Every Individual Believer as God’s Power in our Human Heart; He has come to us as Power from on High. We are to Be Baptized in the Holy Ghost We are to Be Filled with the Holy Ghost We are to Be the Temple of the Holy Ghost We are to Be Led by the Holy Ghost We are to Walk in the Holy Ghost We are to Bear the Fruit of the Holy Ghost Then to top it all off: IV. Perfect Peace. (27) “Peace I leave with You” “MY peace I give unto you” While we travel on the Path Provided to our Prepared Place in the strength of the Holy Ghost as our Personal Power, we still suffer much through trials, temptations, disappointments, discouragement, failures, fear, and uncertainty. The devil Lies to Us- Accuses Us- Attacks Us- Slanders Us- Shoots Fiery Darts of Doubt at Us and these things Cause Heart Trouble. Still, Jesus wanted us to Know that There is Perfect Peace. Isa 26:3 Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee. John 16:33 These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world. John 20- in appearances after His resurrection, 3 times Jesus said to the disciples, “Peace Be unto You.” Romans 5:1 declares that we can have “Peace with God.” Phil. 4:7 declares that we can have the “Peace of God” Peace that passes understanding. Albert Barnes (on the phrase, Which passeth all understanding). It surpasses all that men had ever conceived or imagined; this peace is of the highest possible kind... The Christian, committing his way to God, and feeling that He will order all things aright, has a peace which is nowhere else known. Nothing else will furnish it ...No confidence that a man can have in his own powers; no reliance on his own plans or on the promises of his fellow-men, and no calculations which he can make on the course of events, can impart such peace to the soul as this simple confidence in God. God Has a Cure for Our Heart Trouble: Place Prepared; Path Provided; Personal Power; Perfect Peace.
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Bro. Dwain GaliherPastor of JHPC Archives
February 2025
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