The Committed Life
Psalm 37:1-5 Intro: This is another great Psalm of David that encourages all of us to Trust in the Lord. David first talks about how Christians should never be envious or jealous of sinners because they will soon be cut down and perish. Remember, John 3:16 said that God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whoever would believe in Him would NOT PERISH, but have everlasting life. Those who do Not believe in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord Will Perish. We should never envy the sinner, for whatever prosperity they may have is only temporary and will never be worth the eternal punishment they will suffer. Then David encourages God’s People to Trust in the Lord and Do Good. For God will always bless his people both here on the earth, and especially in the life to come! Vs. 5 is my focus here as I talk to you about the committed life. 5- Commit thy way unto the Lord; Trust also in Him; and He shall bring it to pass. I. An Act of Committal. “Commit thy way unto the Lord.” There must be a time when a true believer; a genuine Christian; actually “Commits” his way to the Lord. Commits his life to the Lord. Salvation is not something to be added to one’s life while everything else goes on the same. Salvation brings God’s Spirit into our spirit and from that moment on, we are to Belong to the Lord. Have you really Committed your Way to the Lord? Have you really Committed your Life to the Lord? Have you Placed it in his hands? Have you, in the words of Paul in Romans 12, “presented your body a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable unto God which is your reasonable service?” The Committed Life requires an Act of Committal. You Must Give God your Spirit- your innermost being; that invisible part of you that only God can fill and satisfy. You must Give God your entire Soul- that inner part of you that is the REAL You; the You that’s living in that body you have. You must Commit your Mind to the Lord. You must Commit your Will to the Lord. You must Commit your Feelings, your emotions to the Lord. You must Commit your Body to the Lord. Commit your Actions to the Lord; Your Attitudes; Your Associations; Your Appearance; You must commit your Relationships to the Lord. You must commit your Talents to the Lord; Your Time to the Lord; Your Potential to the Lord. You must commit your Abilities, Your Ambitions, Your Resources, YOUR ALL. For you are not your own, you are bought with a price; therefore Glorify God in your body and your spirit which are God’s. (1 Cor. 6:19,20) II. An Attitude of Trust “Trust also in him” Once you have made the act of committal, you must LEAVE Your Life in God’s Hands. Bro. Joseph Dutka, the academic at FGBI when I attended there, used to preach a message called Scarred Hands. He preached about people who put their life on the altar of God and then change their minds and reach out and pull their life back off the altar. In doing so, he said, they ended up with burned and scarred hands. I wonder, if we were allowed to see like God sees, how many people would be walking around with Scarred Hands? How many of Us might have Scarred Hands from taking back our own sacrifice that we one time made to God? When you commit your Life to the Lord, Don’t Pull it Back. Don’t take it back out of Doubt. Don’t take it back out of Fear. Don’t take it back out of Selfishness. (My own way) Or Compromise; or Disobedience; Frustration with life. Paul said in 2 Tim 1:12 ...I also suffer these things: nevertheless I am not ashamed: for I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day. Let’s imagine that you Inherited a Million dollars in cash. You know you need a safe place to keep it. You think about putting it under the bed, or in the closet, or in your underwear drawer. Still, you know those are not really safe places. Then you hit on a brilliant idea- the Bank! There is an Act of Committal: you actually go to the bank with the money and deposit it. Then you walk away and leave it in their care. Now, there must be an Attitude of Trust where you trust them to take care of it and YOU leave it there! You don’t need to be taking it out the next day and carrying it around or hiding it in your house or yard and then taking it back to the bank and then the next day take it out again and so on. Leave it there! Put your life in God’s hands and Leave it there! He is Able to Keep what you Commit to Him. All the way to the Day of the Rapture; all the way to the Day of the Judgment Seat of Christ; all the way to the day of the Marriage Supper of the Lamb; all the way to the Day when we all move into the New Heaven and the New Earth. He is able to Keep it! III. The Accomplishment of God “He shall bring it to pass” What will he bring to pass? Well, you committed your WAY to the Lord; your life; your ambitions; your desires; your future; your eternity; He will bring it to Pass. He will lead you; guide you; keep you; direct you; provide for you; protect you; strengthen you; comfort you and when this life is over he will Welcome you HOME. God’s Will always brings Blessings; God’s Will always brings Dividends; God’s Will always brings Rewards. We receive Abundant Life NOW and Eternal Life then. Commit your way to the Lord; Trust in Him; He will bring it to Pass.
Bro. Dwain GaliherPastor of JHPC Archives
February 2025
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