Step into the Water
Joshua 3:14-16 Intro: Israel had come to a Crisis Point in this account. God had revealed his plan for Israel as a nation all the way back in the time of Abraham. God promised Abraham he would be the father of a great nation; that they would inhabit the land of Canaan and that it would be theirs forever. Many years of difficulty and hardship followed; they suffered through the bondage of Egypt; then when they were delivered from Egypt and made it to the border of the Promised Land; the ten spies brought an evil report and discouraged the people from pressing forward and conquering the land. Instead of Stepping Forward; they Pulled Back. Instead of Stepping out in Faith; they Stepped back in Doubt. They spent 40 more years of trouble and distress; wandering around in the wilderness while the generation that refused to trust God and obey his commands perished. NOW- Israel had come again to the border of the Promised Land and God Gave Clear Instructions to Joshua about what Israel was to do. God commanded that the Priests take up the Ark of the Covenant; march toward the Jordan river (which was flooded and flowing out of its banks); and that they Step into the Water until all the priests were standing In the Water. God could have parted the waters like he did at the Red Sea; before Anyone stepped in. But, he wanted them to make A Definite and Deliberate Step of Faith and Obedience. God said (in so many words) You’ve been wanting me to take care of you; you’ve been expecting me to be faithful to you; to move for you; to Act on your behalf; Well- Now I want You to Move for Me; to Act for Me; to show your Trust and Faith by Stepping Out even when the waters are still flowing strong. Someone may be reading this and right now, God is wanting you to Step Into the Water. You are wanting God to Move for You. You are standing by the over flowing Jordan (so to speak) and saying- God would you please part these waters for me? God would you please make a way for me? God would you prove your power to me? God is saying to You- Take a Step of Faith; Take a step of Obedience. 1) Some Need to Step into the Waters of Salvation. You have attended a number of services; you have heard a lot of preaching; you have felt that Stirring in your soul and spirit that you cannot explain; even in your mind you Know that you really need to be saved; you really need to KNOW that Jesus lives in your heart; you want that assurance; you want that peace; you want to know that you are Right with God; but you are still Lingering on the Brink of the overflowing Jordan; it looks like a Risky step; you argue with yourself; and debate with yourself and you’ve talked yourself out of it more than once; You need to Step into the Water! Once you make that initial step; all your arguments will fade away; all your excuses will vanish; all your anxiety will be relieved; When you step into the Water; God will move for you; He will save you; he will cleanse your heart; he will renew your spirit and your mind; You will be SAVED- washed in the blood of Jesus; adopted into the family of God. Step into the Water! 2) Some need to Step into the Waters of Surrender. You have heard a lot of sermons too; you have felt God’s Spirit dealing with you too; you believe that you are a Christian; not lost without God; not doomed for hell; Just Not Where you need to be with the Lord. Falling short in your commitment to the Lord. Falling short in your obedience to his Word. Falling short in your faithfulness to church. Falling short in living a holy life like you know you need to. Are you falling short in Full Surrender to the Lord? Does the river look too Deep and too Wide for you to cross? Are you lingering on the shore, saying I’m not sure I can do this; I’m not sure I’m ready; Lord why don’t you go ahead and part the waters for me- THEN I’ll step out- Step into the Water! Make your full surrender; commit your life totally to the Lord; stop hesitating; stop holding back; stop letting the devil trick you out of making a full surrender to the Lord. 3) Some need to Step into the Waters of a Spirit Filled Life. You’ve heard me and others preach about your need to be baptized in the Holy Ghost; you’ve heard about the infilling of the Holy Ghost; you’ve witnessed others receiving This Powerful blessing from God; but you are standing by the overflowing Jordan; saying God if you really want me to be filled, please just do it- have so and so sing that certain song; have brother so and so come and preach that certain message; have this happen; have that happen; on and on. God says to you- Step into the Water! God promised he would send the Spirit and God kept his promise on the Day of Pentecost; and he has been keeping that promise EVER SINCE. Through the decades and the centuries People have been filled with and baptized in the Holy Ghost. When the Lord moves in a Service- STEP INTO THE WATER! Don’t wait for someone else; don’t wait for something else to happen; just Trust the Lord and Obey. You may need healing; step into the water. You may need victory; step into the water. You may need comfort; you may need strength; you may need a closer walk with the Lord. Step into the Water.
Bro. Dwain GaliherPastor of JHPC Archives
January 2025
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