A Home Remedy
Acts 16:29-34 Intro: Most all of us have suffered through some of our parent’s home remedies. We have had vick’s put in our nose, rubbed on our feet, put on our neck and then covered around with a sock to keep it warm all night. Oh, what a smell! Many of us have choked on castor oil; many have choked while trying to gargle salt water for a sore throat; and many have had to drink concoctions that were probably against the law if the truth be known. Some “home remedies” seem to work; some definitely do not; or if they do they are not worth the Pain they cause. I want to share with you a Real Home Remedy Today; not one I made up but one from the Word of God; a Remedy for every Home represented here today; a remedy for any home that wants to be healthy or a home that is suffering or sick. I. The first ingredient of this home remedy comes from Acts 16; A Family that is SAVED. When Paul and Silas were delivered by the power of God from the inner prison, the jailer started to take his own life; he was interrupted and stopped by Paul, he then Cried out- What Must I Do to be Saved? Paul told him that he must believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and he would be saved; AND HIS HOUSE. God’s remedy for your home is that every member of the family be SAVED. When the jailer took Paul and Silas to his home, they shared the gospel with his family and they were All Saved. Verse 34 says that the Jailer Rejoiced! I’ll tell you what will change the atmosphere of your home; Salvation! When husband and wife are saved, it makes an amazing difference in the relationship; it makes an amazing difference in the home itself. When Dad, Mom and children are saved it makes an amazing difference in the home. Are you saved? Genuinely saved? Not just a Church attender; not just “raised in church;” not just claiming an experience that you really don’t have; SAVED. II. The next ingredient in this Home Remedy is found in the Life of Cornelius, in Acts 10. A Family that Hears and Responds to the Gospel. Cornelius was a man with a hunger to know more about God; a hunger to KNOW God. As he prayed, he was directed by an angel to send for the apostle Peter. Peter was directed by the Lord to go with the messengers of Cornelius and preach the gospel to them. When Peter arrived, Cornelius had his entire house-hold present and waiting for his arrival. He said to Peter, “Now therefore, we are All here present before God to hear all things that are commanded thee of God.” Cornelius wanted them ALL to hear the Gospel. I’ll tell you what will help heal and strengthen your home- Hear and Respond to the Gospel! Don’t stay away from church because you are Tired; because you are Busy; because the kids have to get up to go to school; because you have to get up to go to work. Don’t stay away from church because you don’t want to really Hear and Obey the truth. You and your family NEED The truth of the Gospel; you need it; your spouse needs it; your children need it. Gather them together in the house of God and say, We are all here present to hear the things that God has commanded. When Peter began to preach, the entire household BELIEVED; and before he was even finished speaking they had been Saved and were Baptized in the Holy Ghost. Talk about a home remedy; if you will hear and respond to the Gospel you too will be saved AND filled with the Holy Ghost. III. The third ingredient of this Home Remedy is from the life and example of Noah, Parents that Fear & Obey God. Heb. 11:7- By Faith Noah being warned of God of things not seen as yet, moved with Fear and prepared an Ark to the saving of his house... Notice the important elements here: FAITH FEAR OBEDIENCE God warned Noah about the coming flood of destruction. Because he had great Faith in God he believed that what God said was True. Then, because he had a great Fear and Reverence of God, he was MOVED to action. He did not shrug off the warning; he did not make excuses as to why such a thing could not happen to him and his family; he did not argue with God; he did not Delay; HE OBEYED. He immediately began the work of building the Ark that God gave him plans for. At the time his children were YOUNG. According to Gen 11:10 Shem was only 98 when the flood ended! So he wasn’t even born when Noah first received the warning of the flood and began preparing the Ark. When Noah started building the ark he had two relatively young sons and one yet to come. While he built the ark, his third son was born; all the sons grew up into manhood and married; so that when it was time to enter the ark there were 8 in the family instead of the 4 when he started building. You, sir or ma’am may not be married today but you need to already have Faith in God, Fear God and Obey God. If you do marry and have a family in the future, your home will need you strong in the LORD. You husband, you need to have Faith in God, Fear God and Obey God for you and your wife’s sake and for the sake of any children the Lord may see fit to give you. You wife, you need to have Faith in God, Fear God and Obey God for you and your wife’s sake and for the sake of any children the Lord may see fit to give you. All of you that are already moms and dads certainly need to have Faith in God, Fear God and Obey God for you and your wife’s sake and for the sake of your children. ONLY Noah’s family was spared from among the entire world at that time. The only families that will be spared from the judgment and wrath of God that is soon to come upon THIS World are those who are SAVED= those who hear and respond to the gospel; those who have Faith in God; those who Fear God; and those who Obey God. You want a healthy home? A happy home? A Heavenly home? Try God’s Home Remedy.
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Bro. Dwain GaliherPastor of JHPC Archives
February 2025
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