A Household Revival
Acts 10:1-8; 24; 33; 44 Intro: This is an inspiring story; especially because it is TRUE! It records a Revival that took place in a HOME! An outpouring of the Holy Ghost in a Gentile Home! I. Personal Devotion. In this chapter, we meet a man named Cornelius who was a Centurion in the Roman military. What set this man apart from all the others around him was this- He FEARED God! He was a Roman; the Roman culture had Many gods; even their Caesar was considered a god and was supposed to be “worshiped” by loyal Roman citizens. However, here was a Roman who Feared the True and Living God. He didn’t know much about God but he obviously Believed that God existed; and that God would reward those who would diligently seek him. Those words sound familiar? Here was a man with a Personal Devotion to God. A Husband with a personal devotion to God. A Father with a personal devotion to God. Oh, how we men need to lead the way in our own homes in regard to this Personal devotion to God. It is not the wife’s responsibility to be the spiritual leader of the home; it is not her responsibility to have this Personal Devotion to God ALONE! Sure, every wife and mom needs to be personally devoted to God, but it Rests on the Shoulders of every man to have a Personal Experience with God; a Personal Relationship with God; a Personal Devotion to God. Cornelius Feared God. Therefore, he Prayed regularly. Also he Gave generously. He was A DEVOUT man; a devoted man; a man of personal devotion. If you want the Spirit of God to work in your home you need this Personal devotion. If you want your children to experience the Real Presence of God; to be genuinely Saved from sin; to be filled with the HG; to live their lives according to the Word of God and escape the Scars of Sin, you need to have this personal devotion and live it out as their example. II. Prompt Obedience. Not only did Cornelius have a personal devotion to God, but when he prayed and received the vision telling him to send for Peter, he Immediately Obeyed. Look at vs 7- “and when the angel...was departed, he called two of his servants...(8) declared unto them all these things...and Sent them to Joppa.” Prompt Obedience! If husbands and wives will be Quick to Obey the Lord, they will have revival in their household. If dads and moms will be Careful to Obey the Lord and his Word, they will have revival in their household. Sadly, there are parents who bemoan the poor spiritual state of their children who Never made it a priority in Their Own life to really Obey the Lord. If you are serious about having God’s presence in your household and in your family, You Must Obey the Lord. Obey him in your personal devotion. Obey him in your lifestyle. Obey him in your church attendance. Obey him in your business dealings. Obey him in your Attitudes, in your Actions, and even in your Appearance. Prompt Obedience! III. Powerful Blessing. As soon as Cornelius sent word to Peter, he also sent word to all of his family and some friends as well; he invited them to his house to hear Peter when he arrived. His family was gathered there waiting when Peter arrived. “We are ALL here Present before God; To HEAR all things that are commanded thee of God.” We are HERE; and we are ready to HEAR. Their Hearts were Ready. Their Hearts were Receptive. They were Rewarded. For while Peter was still preaching, they Believed on the Lord Jesus Christ; they exercised Faith in Jesus; they Believed in his supernatural birth; his miraculous ministry; his tragic death by crucifixion; and his Glorious Resurrection on the Third Day. They Believed unto Salvation and Immediately, the Holy Ghost Fell in their midst and Filled them ALL. “The HG fell on ALL them which heard the Word and they Spake with Tongues and Magnified God.” Revival in the Household. Oh how we need revival in our households! We are facing Pressures that have never been faced by any previous generation. We are dealing with Evil and Perversion, the like of which has never been dealt with before. Our children are growing up in a World that is Upside Down spiritually, and morally, and socially. Sin and perversion and violence and indecency Rule the world. If we are going to survive as Christian Families in these Last Days we must have Revival in our Households. Let’s Pray through to a Personal Devotion that will not waver. Let’s Obey the Lord and his Word no matter what the world says; no matter what our co-workers say; no matter what others in our extended family say; no matter what the media and politicians say. Then we will have Revival in our Households and Satan will be Repelled; and Resisted; and Removed; and Overcome.
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Bro. Dwain GaliherPastor of JHPC Archives
February 2025
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