Dear God: Please Come Down
Isaiah 63:15a; 64:1 Intro: Isaiah was bemoaning the pitiful spiritual condition of Israel. He mentioned in ch. 63 that it seemed as if God’s compassion and mercy had been taken away from them. Their adversaries were trodding down the sanctuary and oppressing God’s people. Isaiah cried out to God in the first verse I read- “Look Down from Heaven and Behold...” Dear God- Please Look Down on Us. Please take notice of us; Please see how we are being afflicted; Please pay attention to our pitiful condition; Dear God- Please Look Down on Us. Then in 64:1 he takes his Plea up a notch- to a higher level of request: Dear God- Please COME Down to Us. We do need you to Look Down on Us but that’s not really enough. We need for you to actually Come Down to us. We need more than your attention; we need your presence. We need more than your concern- we need your intervention. Dear God- Please come down to us. I feel quite certain that all of us have felt this desperation at times. We get in the midst of life’s troubles and we want God to come down to us. We feel the pain of life’s sorrows and we want God to come down to us. We are shocked by the sin and immorality and perversion all around us and we Cry out, Dear God, Come Down to Us. Well, I have good news; not that we don’t know about it but we sometimes need to be reminded: God DID Come Down to Us. He did not only Look Down on us and see our plight. He did not only Look Down in Pity. He CAME Down in Love! I. God Came Down in Bethlehem to be our Savior. When Gabriel appeared to the young virgin Mary, he told her that she was going to have a baby boy who would be named Jesus. Jesus means Savior. God was coming down to us to be our Savior. When Mary questioned how she could have a child when she was not yet married, Gabriel told her that the Holy Ghost, the third person of Trinity, would come upon her and his power would surround and envelope her and she would conceive the very Son of God. What an amazing miracle! God really did come down. Paul wrote that in the fulness of time God sent forth his son, made of a woman... To redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons. The Bible states plainly that “God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself...” God Came Down in Bethlehem to be our Savior. God’s Own Son lived as a man and ministered to everyone he met. He was rejected and reviled; he was accused and arrested; he was tortured and crucified; he was buried but Rose Again, Alive Forevermore. Hallelujah- God Came Down! II. God came Down in the Upper Room to give us his Power. Before Jesus ascended back into heaven, he instructed his followers to go to Jerusalem and pray for the Coming of the Holy Ghost. He told them that they would receive Power when the Holy Ghost came upon them. He told them in Jn 14 that the Holy Ghost would be “with them” and “in them” and that he would “abide with them forever.” 120 followers of Jesus took his commands seriously and went into the Upper Room to pray for the coming of the Holy Ghost. You know what happened; there was a sound that came from heaven that sounded like a Mighty Rushing Wind. Then flames of Fire came into the room and lit upon each one of them. They were all filled with the Holy Ghost and began to speak out in languages they had never learned. God the Holy Ghost had Come Down to give us Power. I want to remind you today that this experience in the Holy Ghost was NOT just for the disciples; not just for the 120 in the upper room; thousands of other believers were filled with and baptized in the Holy Ghost after the Day of Pentecost; people all over the known world were filled with the Holy Ghost; people all around the world Today have been filled with the Holy Ghost and true Believers and Seekers are STILL being filled with the Holy Ghost today. God Came Down in Bethlehem to be our Savior. God Came Down in the Upper Room to give us Power. God will Come Down Again to take his people home to heaven. When he comes in the clouds, all true Christians who have died will be Resurrected from the dead with Glorious Eternal Bodies that will never again suffer pain or death. When he comes in the clouds, all those Alive who are true Christians will be Caught up in the air to meet the Lord and will be changed from Mortal to Immortal; having Glorious Eternal Bodies that will never again suffer pain or death. Isaiah cried out, Dear God, Please Come Down! Thousands of Jews cried out, Dear God, Please Come Down! And He Did! Jesus, God the Son, came as a baby in Bethlehem to be our Savior. After his Ascension his Disciples cried out, Dear God, Please Come Down. And he Did! God the Holy Ghost came down to fill and empower followers of Jesus. Now, thousands are again crying out, Dear God, Please Come Down! And He Will! Just as sure as Jesus came down in Bethlehem; and just as sure as the Holy Ghost came down in the Upper Room, Jesus is Coming Again in the Clouds! Are you Looking for His Coming?
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Bro. Dwain GaliherPastor of JHPC Archives
January 2025
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