Everyday Christianity
Col 3:23; Col 3:17; 1 Cor 10:31 Intro: Be honest with yourself now; do you ever find that you divide the Christian life into at least 2 compartments: in church and not in church? Do you separate life into spiritual and secular? Do you have a “church mode” and an outside of church mode? Do you try to separate the Natural part of life from the Spiritual part of life? Some do- they “act normal or natural” thru the week days but they feel the need to “act spiritual” on Sunday. You know the malady some suffer from where they are Christians when they are at church and not so much so any other time or place. Do you realize that if you Truly are a Christian, you are a Christian ALL the time? If you really are born again by the Spirit of God then you are the Temple of God ALL the time. We are Called to Everyday Christianity; 24/7 Christianity; 365 days each year and 366 days in a leap year. Three times in the Bible we read that phrase, whatsoever you do, do all... 1) Do All In God’s Authority- Col 3:17 do all in the name of the Lord Jesus... We Christians talk about and know about the power of the Name of Jesus Christ. I did a quick survey of the subject and found the following: - Jn 20 & Acts 8 we are saved in and by the authority of his name - Acts 2 & 8 we are to be baptized in the authority of his name - Acts 3,4 there was healing thru the authority of his name - Acts 9 Paul preached in the authority of his name - Acts 16 there was deliverance from demons in the authority of his name - Acts 21 believers faced persecution in the authority of his name - 1 Cor 1 we are to Pray in the authority of his name - 1 Cor 5 church discipline was carried out in the authority of his name - 1 Cor 6 we are Washed, Sanctified, and Justified in the authority of his name - Phil 2 judgement will be conducted in the authority of his name That’s an Impressive list of things that should be done in the Authority of the Name of Jesus and of things that can Only Be Done in the authority of the Name of Jesus. Still most of us think about this authority as being that of the Prophet or Apostle; the Preacher or Pastor; Maybe that of a Special Saint or Elder in the Lord. NOT TRUE! This authority is to be a vital part of our Everyday Christian Life. Not that we are healing someone on a daily basis, or delivering someone from demons on an average day, or preaching or facing persecution or so on; But Paul said in our Text (After all these others things have already been written about the authority of the Name of Jesus) Paul said that Whatsoever we Do- Words; Deeds; ALL that we do is to be done in the Name of Jesus; in the Authority of Jesus Christ; by the authority of Jesus. We are Ambassadors of Christ; we are his Representatives on the earth; Every day as I live my earthly life, I am here as a Agent of Jesus Christ. I am living IN his Authority; and I am to ACT in his Authority. We are much too passive about our Christian life; much too passive in our spiritual life; we must Recognize the Authority we have and NOT BE Beaten down by the devil; NOT constantly subdued by the pressure of the world around us; NOT giving in to the flesh and its force in our being. 2) Do All For God’s Approval- Col 3:23 do it heartily as to the Lord and not unto men... One of the most difficult things to keep in proper perspective is this matter of Pleasing GOD in all of our life. We feel so much pressure to Please People; to please family members; to please co-workers; to please associates; to please our children; to please even friends or acquaintances. HOW MANY PEOPLE HAVE DISOBEYED GOD AND HIS WORD WHILE BEING MORE CONCERNED ABOUT PLEASING SOMEONE ELSE! We often allow others to dictate how we live; what we say; what we do; where we go; what we get involved in or participate it; When in all reality we are to Do All for God’s Approval. After all, our ultimate Goal must be to hear God Say- WELL DONE, Good and faithful servant. Remember what Paul said about Demas? He had forsaken Paul, forsaken the ministry, forsaken God because he Loved this present world. What the world said, meant more to Demas than what God said; what the world wanted meant more to Demas that what God wanted. How about you; do you live your life Everyday for God’s Approval? Do you even consider what God thinks about your actions; your thoughts; the words you say; the clothes you wear; the activities you participate in? I’m not saying that we should live with no regard for what others think about us (you know that); we are to be considerate of others; BUT when there is conflict between what others want of us and what God wants of us we MUST Live everyday for God’s Approval. 3) Do All To God’s Acclaim- 1 Cor 10:31 do all to the glory of God. Everything I do in my life should bring Glory to God; not reproach. How sad it is when Christians live in such a way that they bring reproach to the name of Christ. 1 Tim 3:7 ...he must have a good report of them which are without; lest he fall into reproach 1Ti 5:14 ... give none occasion to the adversary to speak reproachfully. Tit 2:5 ... that the word of God be not blasphemed. This phrase in our text, “to the glory of God,” means that everything we do should bring PRAISE to God; it should make God “look good;” it should cause others to have a Good Opinion of God (I know there are some who are filled with bitterness and no matter what we do they will not give glory to God) But for the most part people should think better of God because of our Life and Example. Have you ever resisted a temptation because you didn’t want to bring reproach to your dad or mom? For sake of spouse? Have you ever bit your tongue to hold in that burning word to protect the reputation or integrity of someone else? You wanted to say it in the worst way; but you considered the feelings or situation of someone else and held your peace. So it is that we must live our life to Bring Glory to God. If that word or that action or that participation will bring reproach to our Lord- we must Refuse it. Do all in God’s Authority Do all for God’s Approval Do all to God’s Acclaim
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Bro. Dwain GaliherPastor of JHPC Archives
January 2025
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