Exploits at the End
Dan.11:32 b Intro: The Bible does paint a rather grim picture of the end times; it is sobering for each one of us to consider what the days of the End will be like. I. Satan’s Furious Attack The devil is already a strong foe. He is described as a serpent; roaring lion; adversary or enemy; accuser of the brethren; tempter; deceiver; liar. Paul said we are not wrestling with flesh and blood but with principalities, powers, rulers of darkness, and spiritual wickedness in high places. But as we approach the end of time as we know it; the devil unleashes a furious attack and intensifies his efforts. In Rev 12 the devil is pictured as a Dragon who comes upon the earth with Great Wrath because he realizes that his time is short. In Mat. 24 Jesus described times that would be troubling and unsettling; times of war- famine- earthquakes- disease- and deception. Luke recorded that Jesus said men’s hearts would fail because of Fear. Satan’s furious attack. II. Saints Falling Away Paul said that there would be a great falling away. I know that it refers mostly to the deception of the anti Christ during the tribulation, but the tragedy of Saints falling away has already begun. Jesus said that the Love of many would Wax or Become Cold. Paul told Timothy that the time would come when some would not accept sound doctrine but would have itching ears and would follow teachers who would say only what they wanted to hear; turning their ears away from the truth to fables instead. Also Paul warned us that some would depart from the faith and give heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils. My what a tragic time; a time of Satan’s furious attacks and a time when some saints fall away. Still, Daniel declared that the People who do know their God shall be Strong and do Exploits. There are three important factors here: 1) Experience. “The People who do Know their God...” NOT the people who know ABOUT God but those that KNOW God- He’s THEIR God. The word “know” here is yada in the Hebrew and has the following meanings: to be acquainted with personally; to know of a certainty; to know as a familiar friend; to know intimately. Do you know About God the Father and About Jesus Christ & About the Holy Ghost? Or do you know them personally; do you know God with certainty and as a familiar friend? We must KNOW him in a Living, Vibrant Relationship; We must Know Him through Prayer; by attending and worshiping in His House; by Knowledge and Obedience to His Holy Word. 2) Energy “they shall be Strong” Those who really KNOW their God will be Strong. They will have spiritual health while others are sickly; they will have vitality while others are weak; they will Stand when others Fall; they will Believe when others Doubt; they will have Courage when others are Cowards; they will have Convictions when others Compromise; Yes, in the end times the devil will be on the attack; and yes, some will fall away; BUT you can have a Glorious Experience with God and Be Strong in the midst of it all. 3) Exploits. An exploit is defined as “a heroic act or deed; an act of courage and power.” There will be Exploits even At the End. We are to be Thriving- not just Surviving; We are to be Believing and Battling; We are to be Converted and Continuing; We are to be Defending and Prevailing. In both Joel 2 and Acts 2 we read where God promised that in the Last Days he would POUR out his Spirit; there would be Visions, Dreams, Prophecies, & Tongues. So, right in the end times God has a Church bearing the Fruit of the Spirit and manifesting the Gifts of the Spirit. In Rev 2 & 3 the whole Church Age is represented in 7 periods of time. The last two, Philadelphia and Laodecia, exist simultaneously in the End Times. Laodecia is Lukewarm; spiritually blind, naked and poor; Jesus stands without knocking for admission and telling them to repent. The other Church, Philadelphia, is the true church that is still on Fire for God; still has strength; has kept God’s Word; and has not denied His Name; Jesus says to this Church, “I have the key of David and am he that openeth and no man shutteth; I have set before you an Open Door and no man can shut it...” Right here in the End Times, in the Last Days, not all believers are casualties in this spiritual war; not all churches have been defeated and given up in compromise. There are still those who have Genuine, Vital Experience with God; they are Standing strong in His Power and Might; they have put on the Armor of God, and are Wielding the Sword of the Spirit and Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit. They have their Hands and Voices Lifted in Worship; Their Lives are surrendered to God and His Word; They are Doing Exploits! There is power in their Prayer; there is power in their holy lifestyle; there is power in their testimony and victory in their soul. They that Do Know their God shall be Strong and Do Exploits.
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Bro. Dwain GaliherPastor of JHPC Archives
February 2025
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