How the Overwhelmed Can Overcome
Psalm 61:1-4 Intro: This Psalm is part of a section (54-62) that parallels the life of David from the time that Saul was pursuing him; through the time David spent among the Philistines; and the time when he became king and began subduing the enemies of Israel. Many commentators believe that Ps 61 was written when Absalom had rebelled against his own father and attempted a take over of the nation. It was during this time that Ahithophel, David’s faithful counselor, turned away from David and joined himself to Absalom and his rebellion. David had to flee from his King’s Palace; from the city of Jerusalem; and like a vagabond he and his household took flight to escape the attacks of Absalom and those who had joined with him against David. Talk about a Low Point of life! This was worse than being chased by Saul; worse than having to live among the Philistines; worse than being despised by Michal; he was being driven out of his home, his city and his kingdom by his own son’s rebellion. Hear David’s urgency in vs 1 & 2 of this Psalm- Hear my Cry, O God! Attend unto my prayer! From the End of the Earth will I cry unto thee. David really felt like he was at the end of the earth; physically he was a fugitive from his own home and his own family; spiritually he felt discouraged and defeated. He was Overwhelmed! Have you ever been over-whelmed? How Can the Overwhelmed Overcome? There is a Way! David cried out in his Desperation- When My Heart is Overwhelmed- Lead me to the Rock that is Higher than I. Lead me to the rock that is not down here in the lowlands of despair. Lead me to the rock that is not covered over by trouble and sorrow. Lead me to the rock that is not overwhelmed and Cannot Be overwhelmed. For it is Higher than I am; it is above my troubles; it is above my circumstances; it is above my situations; it is above my load of sorrow. Lead me to the Rock! That’s the way for the overwhelmed to overcome. What rock was he talking about? A physical rock; a literal rock; a rock nearby the wilderness he was in? NO- in vs. 3 we find out that the Rock he was talking about is a PERSON! “THOU” hast been a shelter for me and a strong tower from the enemy. David realized that his God was the Rock that was higher than he was; that was higher than his troubles and his circumstances and his sorrows. Lead me to My God for he is a Rock. 1) You May be Overwhelmed with Sin. It’s possible that someone reading this is being totally over whelmed by sin and its pressures. Have you never given your heart and life to the Lord? Have you lived without Jesus as your Savior all of your life up this point? Are you feeling the overwhelming pressure of your sin? Are you suffering from its consequences? It’s Guilt? It’s Sorrow? It’s Bondage? It’s Dominion? It’s Control? After all the Bible declares that the Way of the transgressor is Hard. Sin brings sorrow and death; then it brings judgment and hell. If you are overwhelmed with sin, you need to Get to the Rock of Salvation. Ps 89:26- Thou art my father, my God, and the rock of my salvation. I found that God is referred as the Rock of our Salvation 8 times in the Bible. When your sin brings you low, God is the Rock of Salvation that is higher than your sin; higher than your guilt; higher than your regret; higher than your despair. 2) You May be Overwhelmed by Storms in Life. That was David’s case; life’s storms had not just worried him and bothered him; they had overwhelmed him. He needed higher ground to get above the Flood of trouble. God is that Rock that is higher than your Flood of trouble and cares. You need to Get to the Rock of Shelter. 2 Sam 22:3 The God of my rock; in him will I trust: he is my shield, and my high tower, and my refuge... Ps 18:2 The LORD is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, God really is the Rock of Shelter; he is a refuge and high tower so that the storms and floods cannot overwhelm him. [Vernon Charlesworth was an English pastor who also served as headmaster of an orphanage operated by Charles Spurgeon. He penned the words of a song and it was published in a small London paper. It just so happened that Ira Sankey (the song leader for D L Moody’s crusades) saw it in the paper, was struck by the great message, put music to it and the rest as they say is history. The Lord’s Our Rock, in Him we Hide, A Shelter in the time of Storm. Secure whatever Ills betide, A Shelter in the time of Storm. Jesus is a Rock in a weary land; a shelter in the time of storm. The Raging storms may round us beat- we’ll never leave our safe retreat. O Rock Divine, O Refuge Dear- Be thou our helper ever near- a Shelter in the time of Storm.] Jesus Christ is a Rock of Shelter- those overwhelmed by Storms can overcome through his power and presence. 3) You may be Overwhelmed in Service for the Lord. Are you weary in well doing? Are you fainting in the fight? Are you feeling overwhelmed and about ready to give up your work for the Lord? Is that class too difficult? Do you have too many irons in the fire? Too many demands on your time? Have you pretty well buried your talent or ability instead of using it faithfully for the Lord? You need to Get to the Rock of Strength. Ps 18:2 The LORD is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; Ps 62:7 In God is my salvation and my glory: the rock of my strength, When Moses was in despair because of Israel’s idolatry with the golden calf, God took him aside and said to him, There is a place by me and thou shalt stand upon a Rock. When Elijah was in despair after his powerful victory at Carmel, God told him to Go forth and stand upon the Mount before the Lord. Both Moses and Elijah found God to be their Rock of Strength. Their spirit was revived; their zeal was restored; their commission was renewed and they went on serving the Lord with great power. Isaiah 25:1&4 say that the Lord is strength to the poor and needy in their distress; he is a refuge from the storm; he is a shadow from the heat when the blast of the enemy is like a storm against the house. He will be your Rock of Salvation; your Rock of Shelter; your Rock of Strength.
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February 2025
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