Learning to Lean in 2018
Is. 41:10 Intro: No matter how self sufficient we think we are, there are times we need someone to lean on; no matter how strong and able we may be, there are times we need someone to lean on. However, our human nature often resists this Leaning; we don’t want to admit we need any help; too proud; or even too selfish. Think about it for a minute: When does someone need to Lean on someone else? At what times do we most need someone to lean on? - When we are Weak or Sick; Hurt/Injured; Lost our Balance; Fell Down or Just Got Down and Need a Helping Hand to get up. These situations happen to us all; not just physically but spiritually as well. We all Need to Learn to Lean on the Lord; Learning to Lean in 2018 Notice these phrases in Is. 41: 1) “Fear thou not, for I am with thee. Lean on the Lord, his Presence will Secure You. A child is unafraid when his father is walking beside him, holding his hand; he feels secure. Having dad or mom there does not insure there will be no troubles or problems BUT the child feels secure in the Presence of a parent. Our heavenly Father has promised that he is With Us. Jesus Christ promised that he is with us even to the end of the world or the end of the age. Jesus said the HG would be with us Forever. We need to Lean on the Presence of God for Security- At Home, At Work, At School, At Church, Everywhere- Lean on the Lord his presence will Secure you. 2) “Be not dismayed, I am thy God” Lean on the Lord, his Peace will Satisfy You. The world is full of unhappy dissatisfied, discontented people. They have trusted in Money, a Job, in Possessions, in Material things, in human relationships, in pleasures and fleshly pursuits and Found NOTHING! It’s All vanity; it fades and vanishes away; it leaves them empty, frustrated and depressed. Our God is Eternal and his Peace is Everlasting- it will Satisfy your Soul and your Mind. Paul said that if we would stop worrying about everything and come to God in prayer and supplication with Thanksgiving- then his Peace that passes all understanding would Keep or Guard our hearts and minds thru Christ Jesus. Jesus said he was giving us HIS Peace- not the kind the world gives which is only temporary and inconsistent- but Peace that is constant and eternal. Lean on the Lord; his peace will satisfy you. 3) “I will strengthen thee; yea I will help thee...” Lean on the Lord, His Power will Strengthen You. I mentioned that we all have times of weakness when we need someone to lean on physically; we all have times of sickness when we need some one to lean on physically; we all get feeble in body and need something or someone to lean on. So it is spiritually, every Christian experiences times of Weakness, times of Frailty and Feebleness. Lean on the Lord- His Great Power will strengthen you. God told Paul when he was praying to be delivered from that bothersome thorn in the flesh, “My Grace is sufficient for thee for my Strength is made perfect in Weakness.” In other words, we really only experience the Greatest Strength of the Lord when we are at Our Weakest Point. 4) “Yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my right-eousness” Lean on the Lord, His Promises will Sustain You. Peter reminded us that God has given us Exceeding Great and Precious Promises; especially the promise that we can become Partakers of the Divine Nature. What greater promise is there than that one? That you and I can have a portion of God’s Nature imparted into us! Then Peter also told us that God has promised us an inheritance that is incorruptible, undefiled, and fades not away; that God is reserving or keeping this inheritance for us in heaven; AND he is reserving or Keeping US for this inheritance while we are on the earth. Talk about exceeding great and precious promises! And what about the promise that he would never leave us nor forsake us; - that all things would work together for our good if we loved God and were called according to his purpose - that the HG would be with us and IN us and stay with us forever; that the Spirit of God would quicken our mortal bodies just like God quickened Jesus Christ and raised him from the dead; - that Jesus would descend from heaven with a shout, voice of arch angel, trump of God, dead in Christ would rise first; then we which are alive and remain will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air; and so shall we Ever Be with the Lord. These are great promises and they will sustain us in the most trying times of life. Learn to lean in 2018! Lean on the Lord- His presence will secure you; His peace will satisfy you; His power will strengthen you; His promises will sustain you.
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Bro. Dwain GaliherPastor of JHPC Archives
November 2024
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