No Ostrich Mothers Here!
Job 39:13b- 17 Intro: God was rebuking Job and his friends for their multitude of words but lack of true wisdom and understanding. God reminded them that He Alone was the Sovereign of the Universe and He Alone Created all there is, including the diversity of creatures that filled the earth. Here God spoke about the Ostrich; that strange creature that is considered a Bird but cannot fly. It is large in size but little in “smarts.” God described how the ostrich would produce the eggs that contained its young, then she would scrape away a little dirt, make a shallow depression, place the eggs in it, and cover it back with dirt. What a thing for any mother to do- animals included. The ostrich has no real understanding and though she brought these young into the world, she can’t be bothered by sitting on some nest for days or weeks until these eggs hatch and her young ones come out to live their life on the earth. So, she puts them in a shallow hole and walks away, leaving them unprotected. God said, the ostrich doesn’t even consider the dangers that exist for her young in those eggs. Someone may simply be walking in the area and accidently step on those eggs and crush them. Some wild beast may come along and discover those eggs and rejoice that they found such a tasty treat in such an unexpected place and devour those eggs so that the young are destroyed. God said that the ostrich is “hardened” or calloused in regard to her young. Her attitude toward them is as if they were not really hers at all. She does not feel any obligation to them; feels no responsibility for their well being. How Tragic! I know, its an ostrich; but still how tragic to think of the lack of consideration of Any mother for her young. You know as sad as it is, the facts bear out the point that much of the evil in our own world that brings hurt and even destruction to the children of America can be laid directly at the feet of mothers. Abortion! What abortion can take place without a mother’s consent and decision? Immorality! Current statistics show that 40% of babies are born to unwed mothers; who made that decision to have sexual relations without being married? Abuse! Child abuse reports from 2022 involved 7.2 million children; 90.6% of them were abused by one or both parents. Mothers obviously carry a lot of the blame for these sorrowful actions. Drug dependent babies! 1 baby is born every hour in America that is already drug dependent. That’s 24 a day and almost 9000 a year. Of course this statistic does not include the babies who are Affected by their mother’s drug use; that would multiply this number explosively. Sadly our nation has too many Ostrich Mothers. There are no ostrich mothers here! Motherhood is a great responsibility and a demanding task. This new baby is not only a new life on the earth but a new soul that will live for eternity some where. Our children are helpless and vulnerable; totally dependant on us as parents to care for them and nurture them in life. We cannot feel unduly burdened by our children; they are here because of Our Decisions and Actions! We cannot just put their well being off on someone else be it a daycare, grand parent, friend or hired care. I know there are times we need the help of these folks in supervising our children, but They did not bring them into the world and they are Not responsible for their care and well being- DAD and MOM are. That’s why God designed the family like he did. A man and a woman are to marry in a life long commitment of love; they then are often blessed with children since God designed for the man and woman to be able to reproduce the human race. Then the child born has both a dad and a mom and as parents they are personally responsible for the care and well being of their child. What a great design! What a wonderful plan! When a mom says, I’m worn out; I’m losing sleep; I’m getting callouses on my hands; I get angry sometimes; I’m even getting some gray hair... those are all GOOD things for a mom because it shows she is fulfilling her responsibility properly! God included chapter 31 of Proverbs in the Bible to give a portrait of what the Virtuous Woman and Faithful Mother looks like. Her most critical characteristics have to do with the following: 1) The Fear of the Lord. The Biblical model of the mother is a woman who reverences the Lord and obeys his Word. Her life and actions are not dictated by this sinful world but by the Holy Word. She does not seek her approval from her peers or coworkers or siblings or from Hollywood, she seeks to please the Lord with her own personal life. 2) The Family she Loves. She loves her husband exclusively. There is no other man who attracts her attentions; her husband can rest safely in her love. She loves her children sincerely. She sacrifices her time and effort for their benefit and well being. They are the priority of her life and she “looks well to the ways of her household.” 3) The Food she Prepares. She cares for the physical needs of her household including meals and clothing. She is industrious and not lazy. She sees to it that her family has food to eat and clothing for every season. 4) The Faith she Plants. Because of her fear of the Lord, she plants Faith in the hearts of her household. She teaches them the wisdom of the Lord and his Word, in her mouth is the “law of kindness.” Her husband and her children recognize the strength of her faith and they “rise up and call her blessed.” Thank God for Mothers who do not walk away and leave their children on their own. Thank God for mothers who do not leave their children in dangerous spiritual places where they can be Stepped on by sin or devoured by Satan. Thank God for mothers like Jochebed the mother of Moses who saw his potential and did everything in her power to protect and direct his life. Thank God for mothers like Hannah who first dedicated herself to the Lord and then dedicated her son to God and his service. Thank God for mothers like Mary who actually bore the very Son of God and brought him up in the synagogue where he learned the Word and Will of God. Thank God for mothers like Eunice and grandmothers like Lois who gave their lives to the Lord and then passed their faith down to Timothy who became a fellow laborer of the apostle Paul and a great man of God who ministered faithfully throughout his lifetime. Thank God, there are No Ostrich Mothers Here!
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Bro. Dwain GaliherPastor of JHPC Archives
February 2025
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