Shaken but Safe
Luke 22:31,32 I. Our Lives Will be Shaken Jesus said that Satan desires to “sift us as wheat...” To Sift means to shake; to agitate; it speaks of a commotion; a disturbance; a turmoil or turbulence. The devil will try to shake our lives until we are separated from our Faith. He wants our Faith in God to blow away like the chaff blows away from the wheat. He wants our Trust in God to blow away like the chaff. He wants to separate us from our Dependence on God. He knows that as long as we Hold tight to God we will be SAFE; He knows that as long as our Faith is strong we will be SAFE; He knows that as long as our Trust in God remains true, we will be SAFE. He Shakes our lives in every way possible. He shakes us with Sickness and Affliction. Sickness is part of the human experience. When Adam & Eve sinned, they fell from their perfect state to a fallen state and sin entered into the world. Sin brought sickness and death into the world. As long as we are in this human form, in this physical state, in this natural body, we will be shaken by sickness and afflictions. I know God heals; I have experienced it myself. Numbers of people I know and numbers from our own church have experienced healing. I believe in divine healing! Still, the devil wants to shake you so with sickness and affliction that you no longer believe that God is a Healer. The devil wants to shake you so that you no longer believe God is concerned about you; that God really loves you for if he did he would take care of that sickness and affliction. He Shakes us with Sorrow and Anxiety. The devil has brought such evil into the world that every life knows Sorrow and Anxiety. We have loved ones who die and we are often overcome with sorrow. Then the sorrow causes anxiety and we worry about ourselves; we worry about our children; we worry about our future; we worry about our security; we worry about God’s plan for our life from here on. The devil loves to shake the Christian with anxiety and worry. He will try his best to separate you from your faith when sorrow comes your way. He will try his best to separate your from your trust in God and cause you to doubt God’s goodness and God’s care. He Shakes us with Situations that bring Adversity. Sometimes he shakes our life with financial hardships; loss of employment; loss of income; loss of Job security. Sometimes he shakes our life with family difficulties; friction in the family; strife among those who should be closest; Sometimes he shakes our families with division or divorce; sometimes with rebellion. Shaken! Shaken! Shaken! That’s the bad news- our lives will be shaken. Hebrews 12 speaks of the fact that everything will be shaken (the heavens, the earth and everything on the earth) not with just physical earthquakes but with spiritual earthquakes. Those things that are not secure will be Removed by the Shaking. Some have been removed by the shaking. They have been separated from their faith; separated from their trust in God; separated from their devotion; from their doctrine; from their convictions; from their holy lifestyle. BUT Hebrews 12 also said that there are things Which Cannot Be Shaken and they will Remain, That we are receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved. Thank God that even in the Shaking we can be SAFE. II. Our Lives will be SAFE. Safe in the Person of Jesus Christ. Jesus said to Peter, Satan has desired to have you that he may sift you as wheat, BUT I... I know that Satan is a powerful enemy. I know he is a greater being than I am. I know he is an angelic being while I am a human being, BUT my safety is not in myself but in my LORD. Satan was Created; Jesus is the Creator. Satan is Controlled; Jesus is the Controller. Satan is mighty; Jesus is the ALMIGHTY. We are Safe in the Person of Jesus for he has never been defeated by Satan and he never will be. Safe in the Prayers of Jesus I have prayed for you that your faith fail not. I feel better when people pray for me, especially people that I have confidence in. - As a child I felt better when dad and mom prayed for me. - In my growing up years in Granite City, I had faith in the prayers of Bro. Stewart, Bro. Wolfe, Bro. Tripp, Bro. Brimm, Sis. Norma Miller. - As a teen and young adult, I had faith in the prayers of Bro. Claude Ely, Bro. Havis Crawford, Bro. Gene Huff, Bro. LD Moore. I have faith today in the prayers of great men and women of God like Bro. John Gabbard, Sis. Shirley Lester, Bro. L D Savage, Bro. Don Rich. I have faith in the prayers of people right in this church. How much more can we have faith in the prayers of JESUS? He really is praying for us! He is at the right hand of Father making intercession for us. SAFE! Then Jesus said to Peter, “When you are converted, strengthen the brethren.” Notice Jesus said, “When,” Not IF. When you are brought out of this Shaking; brought out of this Sifting; brought out of this Situation; Then Strengthen Someone Else. Help them through their shaking and sifting. Encourage them; Lift them up; Comfort them; Build their Faith and trust in the Lord. We will be Shaken but we will be SAFE. Safe in the arms of Jesus Now, and safe on heaven’s shore then!
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Bro. Dwain GaliherPastor of JHPC Archives
February 2025
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