The Bible’s Greatest Text
John 3:16 Intro: This is probably the single, most recognized verse in the Bible. It is probably the most memorized and the most quoted and For Good Reason! It really is the Whole Gospel in just One Verse. (You’ve never received a text message greater than this one) I. The Greatest Love Ever Known. A. Supernatural Love. For GOD so loved... This was not man loving God, but God loving man. This was not man seeking for God but God seeking for man. It was God who commended his love toward us in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. B. Sacrificial Love. That he GAVE his only begotten Son... These are not just feelings of love or words of love, but Love that Sacrificed. God gave his son Jesus. Jesus gave himself. He left heaven, lived as a man, suffered as a criminal, was ridiculed, tortured, and even crucified. He was Bruised & Beaten. He was Humiliated. He was Scourged. He was Crowned with thorns. He was nailed to a cross. He was pierced with a sword. He Died! It is true that Greater love hath No man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. Jesus said, No man takes my life from me, I lay it down. I am the Good Shepherd who giveth his life for his sheep. Without a doubt, This was The Greatest Love Ever Known II. The Greatest Gift Ever Given. Whosoever believes shall not perish but have everlasting life. - Shall Not Perish- A Gift whereby you can Escape Hell! - But Have Everlasting Life- A Gift whereby you can Receive Eternal Life! Everyone will exist forever somewhere, and we were destined (because of sin) to be punished forever in Hell. But, God gave the greatest gift ever given to man; the gift of Eternal Life through Jesus Christ. III. The Greatest Choice you will Ever Make. Whosoever believeth on him... You Must Believe! You Must Receive! This Great Love which was shown by God, and this Great Gift which was given by God, brings you and I to the Greatest Choice we will ever make. Will you believe in Jesus Christ? Will you believe that he is God’s only Son? Will you believe that he came to the earth to live as a man? Will you believe that he suffered and died on a cross? Will you believe that his death was for the purpose of paying for Your Sin? Will you believe that he was buried in the tomb but raised from the dead on the third day, and that he ascended back into heaven and sits now at the right hand of God the Father? Will you believe that Jesus Christ is the ONLY Savior from Sin? Will you RECEIVE Him as Your Savior and Lord? Will you repent of your sins and ask him to forgive you? Will you submit to him and make him the Lord of your life? Will you receive his Word and live in obedience to his Will? The Greatest Choice anyone will ever make is the Choice about What to Do with Jesus Christ. Believe on him and Receive Him Today!
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Bro. Dwain GaliherPastor of JHPC Archives
January 2025
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