The Haven of Rest
Psalm 107:23-30 Ch. Hymnal 344 I Love the chorus of that old hymn- I’ve anchored my soul in the haven of rest; I’ll sail the wide seas no more; The tempest may sweep o’er the wild stormy deep, but In Jesus, I’m safe ever more. That’s what I want to write about today: the haven of rest. I. The Haven of Rest from Sin Vs. 1 of that old hymn says, My soul in sad exile was out on life’s sea; so burdened with sin and distressed; till I heard a sweet voice saying make me your choice; and I entered the haven of rest. Every person born into this world comes into it with a nature already corrupted by sin; we are sinners- by nature and by practice- For ALL have sinned and come short of the glory of God; There is none righteous, no not one. Sin will attract us then bind us; control us; dominate us; and destroy us. For the wages of sin is Death! Sin when it is finished brings forth death. A life lived in wild stormy deep of sin is a miserable life; a life of turmoil; unrest; dissatisfaction; and distress; bound for an eternity in hell! When you are in sad exile out on life’s sea burdened with sin and distressed you need to hear the voice of Jesus calling out to you. When you come to him in repentance and full surrender you will enter the haven of Rest- safe from the wild seas of sin. II. The Haven of Rest from Life’s Storms. In our text, the Psalmist talked about those who were in the storms that life brings to us all; their ship of life was going up and down; their soul was melting in them because of distress and fear; THEN they cried unto the Lord and he brought them out of their distress; He made the storm a calm, so that the waves thereof were still; then they were glad because he brought them unto their desired haven. Isa 25:4 says of God- Thou hast been a strength to the poor, a strength to the needy in his distress, a refuge from the storm, a shadow from the heat, when the blast of the terrible ones is as a storm. Vs. 2 of the old hymn says, How precious the thought that we may all may recline like John the beloved and blest on Jesus strong arm where no tempest can harm, Secure in the haven of rest. Even in the storms of life there is a haven of rest- Rest in the arms of Jesus- Rest upon his Holy Word; Rest in the Holy Ghost; Rest in his promises and in his presence. III. The Haven of Rest from Suffering. Life brings some suffering to us all; some suffer more than others and there is no way to figure that all out or understand it all to our own satisfaction. The Fact is Human life brings suffering; part of our physical existence. Thank God that there is Rest even during those times of suffering; God is a strong tower and a refuge; when we run into him we are safe. AND- Thank God there is a haven of Rest beyond this world and beyond this life where Suffering Cannot touch us any more! Paul wrote in Col 1:5 about the Hope that is laid up for us in Heaven. That Hope is already There! That Haven of Rest is already Prepared! Heaven is the ultimate Haven of Rest; the final refuge from sin, storms, and suffering. Hebrews 6 tells us that we have strong consolation or comfort in the Lord because we have fled for Refuge and laid hold upon the hope that was set before us; this hope is an Anchor of the Soul, sure and steadfast. When we anchor in Jesus we have found the haven of rest. Vs. 4 of the old hymn- O come to the Savior, he patiently waits to save by his power divine; Come anchor your soul in the haven of rest and say My Beloved is Mine. There is a haven of rest from sin; from the storms of life; and from suffering; Jesus is his name and he wants to bring his rest to you today.
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February 2025
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