Wanted! Luke 14:25-33
Intro: When you read the Gospels you constantly read about “multitudes” of people who followed the Lord as he journeyed through the land. Matthew uses the term multitude 40 times; Mark 16 times; Luke 20 times and John 4 times making a total of 80 times; the Point Being this- there was a crowd of people constantly surrounding the Lord and following him as he traveled. Obviously, not Everyone in the multitude was a True Disciple or Follower of Jesus. So on this occasion as at other times, Luke said that Jesus stopped Walking- He Turned to Face the multitude of people following him and began to speak directly to them. What he told them was what he Wanted from them; What he was looking for in those who followed him; what he expected from those who would be his True, Genuine Disciples. WANTED! 1) Disciples Who Will Follow. He was not interested in people claiming to Follow Him but actually be going in their own way; living in their own way; directing their own life. Jesus made it clear that this matter of Following was SERIOUS. It was not just a matter of someone physically walking behind him as he traveled to the next village. It was not even just a matter of someone walking along with him to More than two or three villages; this was not just about physically following the Lord around; it was a Matter of : - Relationship! Jesus told them that if they “followed” him but did not “hate” his father, mother, wife, children, brothers and sisters, and even his own life- he Could Not be a True Disciple. Was Jesus telling these people literally to Hate their earthly families and relatives??? NO! If he meant those words to be taken literally, then anyone who wanted to be a true disciple would have to commit suicide for he said they must hate their own life also. He was pressing the point that a true Disciple would Follow Jesus in a Primary Relationship that would take Priority over all other earthly relationships; it would take priority over all other Loyalties and Allegiances. (Even the love of one’s own self) How many times did Jesus tell his followers that they would have to Deny themselves? Tell their own desires, NO; tell their own plans, NO; tell their own will, NO?! So Jesus said what I want are Disciples who will follow me by surrendering their Relationships; AND those who will surrender their - Reputations For, Jesus said, anyone who will not Bear His Cross and follow me, cannot be my disciple. We all know that the Cross was a symbol of utter humiliation and degradation and shame. So Jesus said I’m looking for Disciples who will follow me Completely in Full Surrender; those who are willing to make their relationship with me first and foremost and those who are willing to sacrifice their own reputation for my sake. Are you a Disciple who Follows? 2) Builders Who Will Labor. In vs. 28 Jesus began to speak about a Builder who was intending to build a tower. Jesus told these followers that he Wanted Builders who would labor in his kingdom and the first priority was that they must; Count the Cost! There must be some meditation and consideration before anyone launches out into being a follower of Jesus. He had already made it clear that it would cost them in the area of earthly relationships; he had already told them that it would cost them in the area of their reputation; so he reminds them that they should not rush into this commitment for it WAS a commitment! Not just a fling; not just a fad; not just the latest fashion. Jesus is looking for Builders who will Labor. They will Count the Cost and make the Commitment necessary to build their life on the Rock of Jesus Christ. He reminded them of the reproach that comes upon anyone who Started an impressive Building and then could not or did not Finish it! Jesus wants you and I to Count the Cost and then he wants you and I to Complete the Building! Count the cost of commitment and then follow through on the commitment. Count the cost of dedication and then fulfill the dedication. Are you a Builder who will Labor? 3) Soldiers Who Will Fight. Lastly, Jesus talks to them in vs. 31,32 about a king and his army who are being threatened by an enemy and must make serious plans for the coming battle. A true Soldier of the Lord will always Realize that he has an enemy. The enemy is not those other soldiers in the Lord’s army; the enemy first and foremost is the devil! He is described as an Adversary or Opponent. He is likened to a Thief who steals, kills and destroys. He is likened to a Lion who walks about seeking whom he may devour. He is likened to a Dragon who tried to devour not only Jesus himself but also the chosen people of God. We have an Enemy and Jesus Wants Soldiers who will Fight! We must: Face the Foe, and Fight the Good Fight of Faith. Peter told us that when the devil comes around we are to Resist him Steadfast in the Faith; in other words we are to Fight Against him Resolutely and with Determination; having our Trust in our Mighty God. Paul told us that we must Wrestle against these principalities, and powers, and rulers of darkness. We must Fight against them with Courage and Endurance. I guarantee you, no one can fight an enemy or an adversary Without Facing Him! You can’t fight with your back turned. You can’t fight while running away. So James writes this: Submit yourselves therefore to God! Resist the devil! And he will Flee From YOU. (Not you fleeing from him) Paul told Timothy in 1Tim 6:12 Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life... Then Paul gave this testimony as he neared the end of this earthly life: I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith: WANTED! Disciples who will Follow Builders who will Labor Soldiers who will Fight
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Bro. Dwain GaliherPastor of JHPC Archives
January 2025
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