You Can Win Over Sin
Rom. 6:12-18 Intro: Every person experiences temptation. Sinners are tempted by Satan to go deeper into sin; Christians are tempted to dabble with sin and sinful things. Satan will try everything in his power to over come you and kill your spiritual life. Let me remind you today, You Can Win Over Sin! I. You Can Win Over Sin with Decision. You’ve heard how important it is to have your “Mind made up.” Paul said in Rom. 6:11- Reckon ye yourselves to be DEAD unto sin but ALIVE unto God... Reckon- (Logizomai)- The root word is “logi” where we get such words as logic and logical. It speaks of thinking it through; Considering it to be so; Making a Decision and a determination. If you do not Reckon yourself dead to sin you will fall again to sin. If you do not Make a Decision & Determination BEFORE you face the temptation you may very fall for it and into it. [Daniel- He Purposed in his heart that he Would NOT defile himself with the king’s meat or wine. He knew what the procedure was for those taken for Royal Training. Before he was ever ushered into the Dining Hall he made his Decision; Told his Supervisor about it, and was allowed to follow through on it] So one must declare, “I know I will be tempted; but I have already made my choice. You Can Win Over Sin with Decision! This victory starts with the Decision to Repent and be Saved. It continues with the Decision to Follow Jesus every day of your life. It progresses with the Decision to do only those things that are Pleasing to the Lord. II. You Can Win Over Sin with Devotion. A vital part of the victorious Christian life is being wholly devoted to the Lord; to love Him with all your heart, soul, mind and strength. Paul said in our text that we YIELD ourselves to God. We willingly surrender; we give our selves up to him and his will; we allow him to take control of our life. When you really LOVE the Lord you will not constantly fall to temptation; you will not continually commit sin. Your love for God will keep you from loving this World. [Joseph- When tempted by Potiphar’s wife he cried out, “How can I do this thing and sin against God?” Notice how his love for God kept him from loving Potiphar’s wife?] We are told in Col. 3 to SET our Affections on things above not on things on the earth. We are told in 1 John 2 that we are not to love this world, neither the things that are in the world, for all that is in the world is the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life; these are not of the Father and anyone who loves these things does not truly Love God. Are you DEVOTED to the Lord? Are you yielded to him? Do you Love him supremely? III. You Can Win Over Sin with Diligence. Notice these phrases in our text: - “LET not sin reign in your mortal body.” You take control and don’t let this happen! - “Neither yield your members as instruments of unrighteousness unto sin.” Take control of your members and don’t allow them to be used for unrighteousness and sin. - “Ye have obeyed from the heart that form of doctrine that was delivered to you.” You made your decision; you devoted your life to the Lord; you are diligently obeying his Word. - “Ye became servants of righteousness.” You willingly placed your life under God’s control; you became a servant of God and a servant of righteousness and holiness. It does take Diligence to Win Over Sin: Not Just a ONE TIME Decision- Not just a One Time Devotion; An ALL the Time Decision; An All the time Devotion- That’s Diligence. Paul said, “I keep under my body and bring it into subjection.” Who does it? I Do! No one can exercise diligence in your life but you. We are told in Eph 6 to put on the armor of God and STAND Against the wiles of the devil.1 Peter 5:8 reminds us we have an adversary- an enemy- the devil- who as a roaring lion walks about seeking whom he may devour. We are told to RESIST him steadfast in the faith. We are told in Heb. 12 to lay aside every weight and the sin which does so easily beset us and to run with patience the race that is set before us looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith. You Can Win Over Sin! It takes Decision; Devotion; Diligence. You must do whatever it takes for you to overcome temptation & sin. You may have to disconnect the internet. You may have to lose the cell phone. That sounds drastic doesn’t it? Still, if technology continually trips you up, you are better off without it. You may have to quit that job. You may have to break off that relationship. You may have to avoid that place of business. You need to move the TV out and the ungodly videos with it. Jesus said that if your eye continually offends you, you should pluck it out; for it is better to enter eternal life with one eye that to enter hell with two eyes. Sound drastic? The message is this: Do Whatever you have to do to Win Over Sin. This is a Vital matter! For if your life was to end today, you need to be ready to meet the Lord. When Jesus comes, only those who are ready will go with him. Victory is possible! You Can Win Over Sin!
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February 2025
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